Words can echo for eternity,
Or they can disappear like the mist on a winters morn.
If spoken from the heart, they linger, always present in the moment of Now.
Allowing the sleeping master to awaken within you.
When honesty has been taken and replaced with lies and untruths though, your heart will weep from the connection it lost, or, it can beat to the pounding vibrations of a clear connection, one of your own renewal.
Those along our pathway in life do not always come to us from a place of love and truth.
Some hide behind a facade shading the coldness within themselves to tantalise you with their cooing.
Seeing through these people is gift enough to propel you away from their insecurities and manipulations, taking you once again towards those who truly do reside in their hearts............
1 comment:
and what beautiful words they are, gemel! beautiful post lady!
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