Soothing and calming, the current relaxes me as my foot dangles, my mind swimming in a collection of thoughts that drift away.
Obstacles may appear in life, I know, I have had my share, but, in the end they are never quite as bad as I thought they would be.
Looking back into the segments of my life I see that I always had just enough to contend with, never more than I could handle, although of course at the time I would have told you differently, as I was weighed down with the burden of their load.
I now feel like I am flying, gliding along in life.
Gone are my worries and projections, I do not fret about anything, I seem to have found my centre after years of searching.
Knowing that I could not have got to this moment any other way.
I know that occasionally challenges may arise, barriers in my way, yet I know now that if I sit and be, waiting awhile to see what it is that this lesson is here to teach me, that the open waters of freedom will never be far away..............

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