With the winter winds returning I decided to sort out my wardrobe and drawers, reacquainting myself with my warmer attire.
For me it is like getting a whole new closet full of clothes as it has been months since these have been worn. I have a few more bright woolen hats and tights to brighten me up on the dullest of days.
I have always had a passion for colour, recently though, I find that my body does not enjoy being swathed in black, beige, navy or grey without any hint of another hue.
I know this is because of my inner Light gaining intensity, I am now finding that the joy within wishes to manifest through my apparel, and the brighter it is the better I feel.
Sometimes I feel like a walking rainbow, which I have begun to notice makes me smile, beaming my radiance for others to share.
Speaking of Light, another little beacon of light was ecstatic that I was preoccupied with organising my clothes.Tamal loved his new playground, and refused to budge without the tempting sound of food being prepared in the kitchen.
There is no stopping this one, he is literally into everything, even the things he is not suppose to be in.
He has brought with him so much joy that each day I realise how blessed I am. To where I am, and who I am.....
And I'm pulling out summer stuff at my end.
Your cat is too much
I feel the same way about colour ...I feel far more daring and far less beige every day!
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