He was no bigger than my hand when he was found with his siblings in a box left on a road in the middle of a pine forest.
I can not for the life of me imagine what he would have felt, left to die either by starvation or run over by a car using the road.
Luckily for him a man out four wheel driving sensed something about the box as he approached it, getting out he was to find five starving kittens, flea infested and close to death.
Although Tamal is full of fun and life, playing with me and Pixie, he does have a lot of pain within his heart.
I am close to tears as I watch him suckle, content and safe now, but this is behaviour learnt via a cruel and hate filled action.
I will never understand as long as I have breath in my body how people can harm animals so freely.
As I cradle his tiny body at night I know that this little boy is a true miracle, he has survived a horrendous start to life, to find his way to a home filled with love.
Stories such as Tamals, Pixies and Spirits happen too frequently, I put this down to the ignorance of people still believing that animals have no feelings, no soul and no ability to love, they are just furry things that are here to amuse us or to kill.
We all have the skills within us to connect with animals as I do, to see and hear the language of others no that different to ourselves, it takes very little to remember this talent, just to sit and to watch is enough to begin with.
As my brood settle down to sleep every night I am thankful that the Universe planned our meetings, that I did not miss the synchronicity of the moments presented, that I acted on what I was given.
I was given such a bounty of love, my home and my heart overflows with utter ecstasy when I am with my holy three, they give me what I return to them.
Love of the purest kind...........
He found you :)
The world would be a better place if more people were like you..
I think that he's one lucky kitty to have such a loving home now!
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