Friday, January 08, 2010


Life What defines us as a person? What makes our life worth the air that we breathe, the space we take up, the whole point of our existence? When we reach that pivotal moment in our life, that one nano second that illuminates the purpose of our journey, that moment where truth overlooks our Self, seeing and sensing the totality of our humbling presence. In that enlightening second you find Your Self staring at the person you are, seeing before you the reflection of A life A story A dream. All your yesterdays mingle together, the fragments of your memories moulded together woven into a whisper of time slipping you further into the abyss of eternity, locked forever in the sacredness of your life. The only truth is to be true to Your Self, in every moment, in every encounter, in every relationship. To know that the truth is forever present and that life can be divinely inspiring no matter what lesson you find yourself experiencing...........................


Jaky said...

O MY GOD! Can't believe it's you. It's you damn! Don't have words. I am very angry with you though, but let's put it off for another day. For now..I just want to read all this stuff you have posted me unnoticed. Love you :) Gemel.

Melissa said...

Hi Gemel:

I have been questioning my existence in the whole universe. Wondering what kind of imprint I am making or will leave behind.

Your words have helped me today, I appreciate them so much.

So happy you are back, I miss your inspiring words. :)