Inside we store all sorts of emotions stagnating the flow of our Light, keeping us weighed down with blue days which, if left unattended will turn your inner world murky.
Accumulating 'stuff' is done on a daily basis, most of us are unaware of this and from one interaction after another our energy becomes worn out, we tire more easily, we notice aches and pains, headaches, lethargy, anger and stress enter our life on a frequent basis.
Identifying where the stuff comes from, and whose stuff it is is no small task, yet as I have found by dealing with my own stuff, it is imperative that we do learn to deal with it and move it out of the body vessel as promptly as possible, thus promoting health and healing to take place.
How do you know when it is time to end a relationship?
To move jobs?
To find new interests?
By noticing how you feel when you are doing these things or with the person/persons that cause your energy levels to change.
When you are dealing with any major changes yourself, it is vital that you learn to set boundaries where others are concerned, because you going through a transformation period of your life in one area, chances are that this will ripple out to cleanse other areas of your life naturally, this can of course create friction in relationships because others do not understand why you may not be available as often as you used to be, why you have 'changed', which will give your relationship a new dynamic, and may lead to confrontation.
By ending one chapter in your life it is only natural that certain other aspects of your life will change, as you begin to transform your self, you will begin to be drawn into new directions. I have found that when I am stuck in a certain area, if I feel that I can't break free of negativity I have to look around, and I mean really look deeply into all areas of my life, from the company I am keeping, conversations I am having to my recreational activities.
Honing in on the root cause is never easy, often it is several things that are bound together dragging you further into feelings of unhappiness.
With people I have found that if I meditate on our relationship and ask what they are reflecting to me I can usually see what it is I must learn from the dysfunction I am feeling, and whether it is 'my' stuff or theirs. I know that not all people are in our life forever, often we cling to people out of loneliness or fear, but doing this only enhances the negativity that is already overwhelming us.
Sometimes you have to sit with yourself and ask why is it you are stuck?
What am I talking about with these people?
Why am I dissatisfied with my job?
Why is this relationship making me stressed?
Why do I feel out of balance?
Looking deep within will give you the answers you need to rectify any personal situation you find your self in, and by taking the time to sit with your self you will also be given tools to assist you with healing your life, no one else can do this, only you can.
Sitting and wallowing, or continually moaning about what is wrong will only bring you more of the same, the key is to learn from what you are feeling or seeing.
Be still
Stop talking about it and most importantly of all
Move on...................
Move onnnnnn!
Wise words indeed. It's not easy knowing what we need when we need it but our body does have a way of letting us know.
Hey, thank you for stopping in at Ronda's for coffee yesterday. Your comment was appreciated. :-)
When someone outside of ourselves tells us we need to act or behave in a certain way, then there really isn't a relationship. It's time to connect then with life by connecting with our authentic and uncensored selves.
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