'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Saturday, January 31, 2009
My Crows........

Thank You Jaky.................
Ta Da............. Gazebo is Completed..................

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Blossom's Story...................

As for me, well, I know that I created her appearance in my life by maintaining my belief that we manifest into our life what we focus on the most, I wanted a cat, a cat that really required a safe and loving home, then presto there she was, living proof that thoughts create our reality...................
I Feel Better Now.............

Madame B is feeling much better this morning, crisis over thanks to my healing and a lot of love and cuddles, turns out it wasn't her leg but toilet trouble, (shan't go there shall we!!!)
I know that she is on borrowed time after I rescued her and that every second is precious, I am thankful that she has pulled through pain free to bring love and happiness into my life for a I trust a few more years to come :-) This morning she was back to her old self demanding her morning food, bless her heart.................
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Blossom is Poorly
Monday, January 26, 2009
Feathered Friends.............

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Your joking right?
We are not walking anymore??????
Our Winter Hideaway

I did not find out how old the cottage was, how many stories could be told, if only these walls could speak...................
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Peacekeeper

For me Barack Obama represents the peacekeeper of the world, at the dawning of a new world age I feel that he will lead the way to positive changes with a open and loving heart, the time it appears is right for the warmongers and bully boys to stand down and allow what the majority of the people want, peace.
May the day approach swiftly where we as a race can extend our hand towards another regardless of race or religion, may we recognise that we are one people who share one home this tortured and ravaged planet, and with open and loving hearts may we join together and begin to restore the damage that has been done in the name of war..................
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Highlight of My Day
Just For A Change.........
Note to self, get a tripod!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thought for the day...........
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Elephant and the Dog..........
Once again the unconditional love of animals shines through, the link below is a beautiful story that I just had to share. I wonder, when will the human race take a long hard look at the astonishing and innocent displays of trust and unconditional love animals demonstrate, if they are drawn towards another it makes no difference what kind of skin they wear it is simply down to what they feel in their heart............
Click here: YouTube - "Elephant and Dog Prove Best Friends " Too Sweet for Words;Just LOVE
Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009
At The End Of A Hot Day............

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Finding Joy Each Day....................

Thursday, January 15, 2009
As Another Year Begins............

As another year begins I reminisce over the chapters of last years story understanding why it was that I attracted a bout of pneumonia while on holiday, I have seen clearly the cause of this dis-easement that ravaged my body so, there were several chapters in my year which did not radiate positive vibrations, although as always I see that out of all negative challenges comes a much required lesson, often we do not see our part in these matters until we step outside ourselves to look at what has been given to us.
I feel with the illness I have had an intense cleansing, in fact the feeling of well being is now overwhelming, joyfulness and peace are restored.
It is not always easy to see the positive in a negative situation I know, however, any issue/problem/challenge we have is always designed to give us the chance to transcend all worn out patterns and replace them with a new blueprint if only we are willing to look at ourselves and vibrations we have been sending out.
Nothing comes to us by chance, we get back exactly what we think about and talk about the most, most of us focus on negative aspects which we would like to change, and the universe being as it is sends us more of the same, we focus on it, we get it, simple as that.
I can see that my wayward thinking has created for me a timely reminder to get back back on track. Many people waste so much time thinking that they are going to be happy when they get a certain thing, loose weight, get a new job, have a better relationship, yet until they realise that focusing on the situation which you wished to change only brings you more of the same nothing will change, not for the better in any case.
We are masters of manifestation, yet because many of us think that the body and the mind are two separate things we think that we have to fix one before we can work on the other, which is a fallacy, the body and mind work together in complete harmony, it is always down to watching what you think and say, being mindful of your every word.
The key to happiness and fulfillment is not difficult to achieve it is simply down to being happy and feeling yourself how you wish to be. I lived using these principals for years and my life was happy and stress free, then all of a sudden I went backwards switching myself off to indulge in a period of poor me, bless my beloved heart, although I know that it was all designed and willed by me giving me a much needed warning that I was not living in my light.
Now however I am back on track, having had the time to reflect on what I had done, thought and said to create the misalignment's within my life story, so back to me I go, allowing the past to float away and staying in the wonder of my now moments ready to create my tomorrows. It is easy to stay stagnated and wallowing in self pity, blaming someone or something else for how crap we feel or how bad/difficult our life is, it is only us that can make our life happy or sad, no one can hurt us unless we allow them to, nothing from the past can effect our life now (unless we think it can) as it is no longer relevant, yet so many of us harbour resentments that fester to create dis-easements with in our body and life because we are stubborn to let go whatever it was that happened to us. Is it far more fun to be miserable? I think not, it is simply that many of us do not understand the dynamics of the universe and how we hold happiness within the confines of our heart, we can not change how another views us, we can on the other hand control how we deal with the situations and emotions that are dealt to us.................
Joyfully I Walk............
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