Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Visit..

A visit to Rocky Pool was very therapeutic a few weeks ago. The last time I had come here there was no water here at all, the land had been sucked dry of all moisture.  I left that day saddened. 
Returning to find the stream running swiftly brought an instant smile to my face. Birdsong filled the air accompanied by the lulling sound of the water rushing over the rocks as it trickled over small waterfalls. As I took each step, I infused myself into the energy of the land, all senses vibrating. I seem to be going through a stage of change. I no longer rush home to upload my photographs of the day, instead they wait, sometimes for weeks. 
Change is something I am welcoming, as life had become somewhat stagnate. I still love nothing more than to be in nature taking in all her magnificence. Often stopping an infusing myself into the sounds that surround me. Walks take longer and they seem to be bringing deeper clarity to desires that are swirling within me...


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