Thursday, October 02, 2014

Life Has A Way.....

 Life has a way of becoming far too complicated and stressful causing us to be rushing from one thing to another with never a chance to sit and just be.
The greatest gift my little quirky cottage has given me is the ability to enjoy the abundance of nature whenever I step outside my door.
 I have so many birds that nest not only in my own Grandmother Jarrah tree in my front garden, but also in the trees surrounding my home.
These beautiful creatures demand attention by their funny antics and their presence.
They emit joy.
Calmness and playfulness.
 At the back of my property under the Cape Lilac tree I have created a sitting area, a collection of second hand chairs and coffee table which I found at the local recycle yard.
Here is where I sit with my morning coffee, in the stillness whatever the weather to take time to be and to allow my heart to connect to this wonderful oasis I am creating.
 I am never alone when I sit here, there is always a watchful eye or two, endless chirping and chattering, graceful flights to watch in awe.
My connection with the earth has deepened since I moved here nearly one year ago, with creating a edible garden for me, a bird and butterfly garden as well as now having chickens to look after has me out enjoy the blessings of nature on a daily basis.
 Giving gratitude for this humble home is something I frequently do.
From the first moment I saw this place I knew I could transform it slowly in to a place of beauty and life from the unloved and dirty place it was when I first came to view it.
I recall the looks of horror and concern on each persons face the very first time they came to visit, I also recall the first time I unlocked the door and cried thinking I had made a terrible mistake as the previous owners left the house in a disgusting state.
 However, one year on I can freely say I am at peace.
Content with the choice I made to leave the modern life in the suburbs to return to nurturing embrace of the country.........

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