Saturday, May 05, 2012

The Journey South Begins.....

 The journey south begins with the welcomed arrival of this pleasing sight, the sky was full of these divine grey clouds, rain pouring down pattering against the car as we wove our way through the late morning traffic.
 With the added luxury of not having to drive, I was able to sit back and take in the view, admiring this majestic fellow relishing this boon from above.
 I adored the way the water had not covered all of the bark on this tree, the contrast of the dry areas so artistic, almost like a zebra, so stunning was the effect.

 Enjoying being a passenger, I fully infused myself into this moment, as it is a rare, rare occasion that I find myself relaxing in the passenger side of a car.
Not long after we left the boundaries of the city we decided to stop for a bite to eat, something warm us up as we continued our relaxing drive south, plus an opportunity to stretch our legs for a moment or two.
 With tummies full we all sat back and travelled in silence for a period of time, watching the scenery zooming by as we sat safely content in the warmth of the car.

 Nearing our destination though the skies cleared, with familiar sights appearing I began to feel a tingle of excitement fluttering within, soon I would be in the rural paradise I love so much.
 Closing my eyes, I sat back and focused on the gift of this moment, of the precious time I was about to experience.......

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