Saturday, May 12, 2012

Heading Out.......

 Heading out for my last morning meander I was greeted by the company of a rainbow, glittering translucently above the trees.
 The valley below was cloaked in clouds, the misty rain drifting along gently in the soft morning breeze, all was incredibly still, so delightfully quiet.
 Heading up towards the road I drank the view in, allowing the energy of the land to seep into my soul.
 As the world still slept, I felt a deep connection with the indigenous energy that radiated around me, the gentle hum of its wisdom chatting to the core of my being.

 Approaching the crest of the hill I startled some locals, not use to strolling humans in the early hours of the morn.

 Stopping to admire this joey as it took a moment to watch me, smiling at his flawless beauty, such astoundingly adorable creatures, I am so pleased that this troop of kangaroos are not hunted, here in this rural paradise they are safe to live in harmony and peace.

 The views greeting me at the top of the hill, were as always, stunning.
 The ever changing face of Gaia hypnotic, standing here in the misty dawn drizzle I felt like the only human upon the planet, relishing this moment of solitude.

 As I slowly strolled across the field I noticed this little bird, camouflaged so well within the grass I struggled to keep it in view. 
 A delicate treasure, tiny and so vulnerable, glimpses of such innocence always leave me breathless, as, moments such as this are indeed priceless.
 Many humans walk this planet without ever really seeing, too engrossed in materialism and technology to actually witness the magic surrounding them.
 At this precise moment I was thankful for my lifetime kinship with nature, for my ability so see what is truly important.

 Making my way down the hill once again I communicated my gratitude to the Earth, acknowledging the love that was permeating throughout every cell of my body.........


Arti said...

Nature is truly what gives us little moments to savor. Loved your shots, the landscape and the rainbow and the hills... And the Joey is so cute!!
Have a nice week ahead Gemel:)

susan said...

So nice to walk with you on this lovely morning.