Saturday, April 14, 2012

Romantic Love Is........

Romantic love is not reserved for the human race, it too, is experienced by all species across the globe. Yet still, millions fail to see, or, understand that although our animal kin wear a variety of skins, speak vastly different languages, they love with perhaps, more passion than humanity, for their love is truly unconditional. 
 Stolen moments for a sensual embrace, a delicate kiss, a moment of  passion, is shared by all our animal kin, yet still the slaughtering continues. 
The most difficult challenge for me this lifetime has to been to deal with humanities blatant disrespect for the animal kingdom, the ignorance that has been manipulated as the human race drifted further and further away from their intrinsic connections to the land, to the Spirit within All. 
My preference has always been the company of animals over the company of humans, as in my personal experience, it was only my animal companions who loved me indubitably, without conditions and expectations, and who treated me with kindness.
My greatest heartache however, comes from the billions of animals that are farmed and used for food, clothing and body parts, as these gentle creatures endure lives of depravity, unbearable cruelty to feed and clothe the unfeeling humans who fuel and adorn their bodies with the blood of these sentient beings. 
 Rare visits to the supermarket is always a challenge for me, for firstly the scent of death hangs in the air, and row upon row of bodies are presented to the public as the best way to feed their families.
To eat a meat free diet is shunned upon, those of us that do follow this diet are under constant attack, often told we are abusing our bodies in excluding meat from our diet. Yet, many notice our clear skin, our sparkling eyes, our gentle hearts, for in eating the gifts of fruits, grains and vegetables we eat a diet void of negativity and physical suffering, therefore we take on positive and vibrant energy from our food, not the horrors of a distressing death.
 Yesterday I encountered several livestock trucks returning empty of dropping their precious cargo to  sale yards, or the harbour, the sight of these lorries filled me with such anguish I found it difficult to continue driving. Yet, as I drove on, I noticed no one sees this, it is almost like they don't care, there is, in my opinion, no difference in a truck full of animals going to their death, then there is a truck full of humans, the same emotions are rushing through their veins, they are frightened of what is going to happen to them, they maybe separated from their loved ones, if, they have had the "luxury" of living free range, they are radiating fear.
 The energy of the fear and horror is present in their bodies when they are killed, having researched this horrific practice, the humans who work in such places are often cruel people who enjoy tormenting these gentle beings in their last moments, this is held in the memory of the flesh that is sold for human consumption, which is turning the human race even more barbaric and aggressive, as the energy is retained in the flesh, those who eat this produce, take on the vibration. 
 The culling of course is not confined to the animals we eat, it spreads out into all aspects of nature, birds that are breeding well and their happy songs are too loud, humans complain, they are baited.
How can the gift of birdsong be offensive?
There is also the past time of shooting, not for food, but, for fun! 
Chasing down a being until they are too worn out to flee any further, and then, shot in cold blood, what sort of perversion is this? 
As I expand myself deeper into the reconnection to All, I struggle more with this aspect of humanity, I do not judge those who still eat meat, yet, I truly wish I could allow them to witness the world through my eyes and my heart for just one day, then perhaps an awakening would occur, and more would witness the absolute Oneness of All, the interconnectedness of every being upon this planet, the love present within all these glorious beings, perhaps then, the murdering would stop................. 


luksky said...

This post really resonates within me. As hubby and I travel on our journey of a healthier diet meat is rarely on our grocery list.

The more aware I become through posts like yours and others I am seeing how meat is slowly being phased out of our life.

Being brought up on meat consumption I never really thought about where it came from until I became "aware".

Thank you for being a voice for all our other forms of life. Your words make a difference.

Gemel said...

Thank you Lusky, seems it is destiny to be one of the voices for our animal kin.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You are certainly a vigorous advocate for a meat free diet Gemel and I respect that.

Gemel said...

Thanks Yogi.