Friday, April 27, 2012

The More.....

 The more I reside in the heart, the deeper the reflections of love rebounds around me.
Reactivating the Light within, has opened me up to a world of enchanting fascination to what has always resided around me, yet, as I plunge deeper into the expanding chambers of my heart, the beauty of light bestows me with unimaginable beauty each, and every moment.

Being in this state of constant love finds me open to witness the world with renewed eyes every day, for, on waking each morning the astonishment of joy surrounding me opens me more to the miracle of life, the miraculous miracle of  love. 
Expanding my heart has, in turn, enhanced my life, for, in stepping out of my former self, I have left behind all traces of unbalance, negativity has floated away upon the wind.
Now I am surrounded by what resonates within, peace and harmony, love, nothing else is worthy of my attention, I no longer find any appeal in dwelling in the ego driven world, and the heart-less games and manipulations attached to such a place.

As I attune myself further I am able to view those around me with an untainted  perception, this is gifting me with many precious beings who too share my vision, who tread this Earth seeing the truth surrounding us.........

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