Friday, November 11, 2011


 Beginning a four day retreat yesterday one of silence and of inner cleansing I had prepared in advance for this time of pampering.
 Spending an hour or so juicing bags of carrots, bunches of celery and a large root of ginger I had all I required for a day of serene stillness, simple food to nourish my soul.
 The energy of the vegetables was felt immediately as I sipped on this nectar throughout the day, cleansing my body of impurities that lingered within.
Filling it with untainted nourishment.

The whole day had a surreal, rather unnatural tone to it, a supreme vibration radiated around me, although by late afternoon this was physically visible in the sky
 Heading down to the beach to sit in silent communion I was dazzled at the scene before me, nothing had prepared me for this moment.
 So truly beautiful was the view, that tears streamed down my face as I held my hands together in gratitude for this sight, there was something so benevolent in the air that transported me to another realm. 
 Suddenly I was soaring, free and weightless towards the horizon, to a world of crystal castles and shimmering rainbows, a place on harmonious Oneness.
 The perfection of the evening echoed in the tone that had radiated within me the entire day, as here begins a fresh and vibrant chapter, 
the returning. 

 Yesterday was 
Red Solar Dragon
writing out the daily affirmation I smiled to myself as the words appeared on the page, so fitting was it's message.

I Pulse in order to Nurture
Releasing Being
I seal the Input of Birth
With the Solar tone of Intention
I am guided by the power of Navigation

 Pledging my dedication to the path of my destiny, my role on this planet at this precise moment in time  is what my personal retreat is about. 
Acknowledging the web of dreams I have left behind, each a boon for this story of Gemel, each leading me to this very moment, a new awareness has been downloaded, showering me with a understanding of my purpose, one that allows me to see the world for what it is......................

1 comment:

Jenny Woolf said...

What a lovely post, and with such delightful photographs. The pictures of the sky in particular are sublime, I can understand that your spirit soared away to see those wonderful clouds. Thank you for sharing it, it makes me think I should pause a while sometimes, too.