Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Meet Patch

Meet Patch the newest addition to my ever increasing family of cats!

Patch is clearly in need of a loving home, bless his divine little heart, so starving is he that he licks the empty food bowl with such gusto that he spends a few minutes chasing is around the floor before he leaves. He is far more timid than Blackie ever was when he first started to visit, although I have not been able to get near to him he has at least meowed in thanks as he left one morning.

This is the only feline visitor (that I know of) who I know has a good home, this little lady lives across the road in her humans garage (don't ask, apparently she has always lived in the garage!) She comes across a couple of times a day to check out the food bowl and to speak with Blossom if she is in the front room basket enjoying the morning sun or waiting for me to come home. And of course we are all familiar with Blackie, who has taken it upon himself to become the food monitor, if I don't stop him he chases Patch away when he comes for his morning food, I shall have to have some sharpish words with this little ruffian!

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