Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Chickens

Isn't it about time the world stopped eating these beautiful creatures??? Lucky for these few adored birds they are living a safe and happy life. Chickens like all other farm raised animals are loving and gentle souls all entitled to enjoy a peaceful and safe existence whilst here on earth, just like you! Many more people are waking up to the horrors of the food industry, although there are still many who do not wish to know the 'real' truth about where their food comes from, happy to live in an ignorant world where what they don't know won't upset them, yet millions of animals a day are murdered to feed their taste for blood. The humans are a barbaric race of beings, and I am disgusted to be apart of this race wishing at times that I could disconnect myself from them and what they do to the other inhabitants of this planet, for food and fashion, that I had within my power the ability to free the suffering animals and allow them to live in freedom, without torture.

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