Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What A Dilemma............

What a dilemma!
What books am I going to take on holiday?
I am all a fluster as to how many to take, and that the books will weigh more than my clothes!
I need two for the plane journeys and maybe three or four others for when I am relaxing on the beach, all day, for six whole days.
I had not really thought about my holiday for awhile, but, today the travel agent phoned to say that my travel documents were in and ready to collect, which got me thinking about it once again.
At the moment though I can not seem to focus on reading, or much else for that matter, much to preoccupied for that at present, which should make my choosing a lot easier.
Well that's my theory anyway..........................


Natalie said...

Stranger than fiction this 'life' stuff is.
If it were me... I'd go naked in order to squeeze more books in. Well, maybe not altogether naked. :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I have the same problem when I travel. I bought a Kindle which is great except for the books I already own plus I'm not taking the kindle to a beach.
Good luck figuring it out.