Friday, August 30, 2024

A Few..

A few photos from the beginning of the month, from a cloudy and if I recall correctly, a rather rainy day too. I had forgotten my raincoat, so I had to retreat to the car rather swiftly.  Nevertheless, I still managed to find a few wonders to inspire my heart... 


Thursday, August 29, 2024


Kangaroos were the highlight of a recent visit to Walunga National Park. The small family were enjoying the warm winters day, nibbling on sweet blades of succulent grass and were not that bothered by my approach until a train came hurdling past on the opposite side of the river. A sudden blast of the horn frightened us all, they hopped off retreating from the grating noise.
I love seeing kangaroos out in the wild, far away from roads and people with guns. They are beautiful gentle animals. They are often difficult to spot in the wild as they camouflage extremely well in amongst the bushland plants. With this family being next to the track I was able to admire them for a good length of time. They are curious of approaching humans; they will often stand hidden silently watching as people walk past. When I was on my return journey to my car the small family had settled by the water for a midday siesta. 
The other highlight of the day was the swiftly running rapids. I was here before the deluge of rains that had filled my local lake. even so, it was wonderful seeing the river running high and fast. There is something exhilarating about being near white water and I always leave such scenes filled with a sense of immense joy...