Charlie Cricket arrived mid January being company for his grieving sister Miss Bear.
After Spirit Cat passed she went into a deep depression and given that I work long hours she was not coping with life on her own.
I was going to look at Charlie Crickets brother, as the owners were not keen on me even seeing Charlie Cricket.
He had been attacked two weeks prior to my visit, I suspect by a dog.
Little Charlie was lucky to be alive.
Having been passed his brother by the owners it was by mutual understanding that he was not for me.
Charlie Cricket sat by my feet covered in blood and just stared up at me.
As I looked at him I was not sure I wanted to pick him up, much less take him on, he had bite marks all over his back and his face, yet as I bent over to pick him up the bond was sealed instantly.
The owners were amazed at how Charlie Cricket went straight to my neck, snuggled around it and proceeded to go to sleep, he never moved until I was ready to leave.
The owners were astounded as he had never done this to any member of their family and agreed he had chosen me.
Actually I believe we had chosen each other, it was simply meant to be.
Once home I washed him immediately as he was I discovered covered in fleas and I did not want Miss Bear getting any.
After his bath and tending to his wounds we spent the next couple of hours getting to know each other whilst Miss Bear came to have a look at him from time to time.
Funny thing was that it wasn't until I had settled down with Charlie Cricket that I realised I had once again a black cat and a ginger one, same as last time when I found Spirit Cat and adopted Pixie, have to wonder if in awhile a fluffy white and black cat shows up.
Having these two energetic playful souls has helped me deal with the grief of loosing Spirit, Pixie and Tarmie, so once again my home is filled with loveable fur kids, because all I need is love and my cats.....