Wednesday, July 13, 2011


 Solitary moments, relaxing in the early morning light, wrapped in a blanket, snug against the chilly fingers of the dawn breeze wafting around me.
 All was still, as I sat beholding the landscape before me, feeling like I was in another world, many miles away from humanity, yet, humanity was but a moment away, others slumbered close by.
 As the sun began its daily portrait the clouds shone with the rosy hues of the early morning light, the softness of love illuminating them to perfection.
 The mountains loomed across the valley, the clouds slowly uncovering their mammoth splendour.
 In the quiet passing of the night a flock of sparrows began an aerial dance of gratitude above my head.
 The presence of a omnipotent power radiated towards me, its powerful pulsations spiralling around my heart. 
 Breathlessly I sat in meek adoration as God/All That Is/Source settled within me. 
 Another day breaking, bringing with it a virginal canvas, beseeching me to create upon its page.
  All around me inspiration seeped forth.
 The light and colours in conspiracy to allure my creative flair to flow, to trust, to merge with all that surrounded me. 
 Closing my eyes and drifting off into an inner celebration of life, I vanished into myself..........


Anonymous said...

What Say I? Absolutely Beautiful how such scenes are so vibrantly filled with life. Each moment is an adventure that has yet to be discovered. So Perfect to feel all that one is immersed in.

Gemel said...

Thanks Bernie