Sunday, January 09, 2011

Tarmie Is........

Tarmie is always looking for new and innovated ways to have fun, I was in hysterics as I watched him trying to work out how he was going to get under this stool.
I don't think I will ever understand his logic, although having said that his antics cause hours of laughter in the home.
Altering his vantage point must have given him the inspiration necessary as he attempted to shimmy underneath, which did appear a lot more difficult than he had anticipated.
Not one to be beaten, getting stuck did not deter him, he wriggled and squirmed for another few minutes until his cute little face popped out the other side.
What comical little man he is, getting stuck a second time set me off again, although I must say I do not allow him to know that I am laughing at him, after all cat exploring is a very serious business indeed........

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