Sunday, October 24, 2010


Visiting my house yesterday I was surprised at the amount of work that had been done since my last drive up here.
The front wall is up, as well as the down lights on the wall, which incidentally I had no idea I was getting.
I liked the lightness of the house, and was happy that I choose this one, as the rest are all painted in darker, drab colours.
Lucky for me the painters where working on my house, having been kicked out the last time I visited by the tiler I asked if it would be alright to have a quick look inside.
Of course they said, that is okay, just mind the wet paint throughout the house.
As I entered the house I felt that I had come to accept its appearance in my life, and with doing so I viewed it with a new awareness.
With only five windows at the front and the one large window at the back I had been concerned about the house being too dark, yet I was delighted with the natural light that floods the house.
The flooring that I have chosen is light in colour which I know will add to the airy feel of the house.
Standing here looking in I felt strangely peaceful here for the first time.
Having no attachment, only an acceptance, has altered my opinion of this venture..........

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