Only Some Understand.............
Only some truly understand my loss of Blossom, others, those who see me as some sort of weird cat lady who puts animals before humans will never understand the connection of those who commune with animals.
My friend Sandy is another who is constantly categorized as weird, like me she too hears her animals when they speak to her, she like me, will give everything to save and nurture an animal in need.
Pictured here with a lamb she saved from certain death, the love speaks for its self. This lamb will know only human kindness, it will not grow up in fear, dreading the cruel hands of the farmers as they rear their flocks for death. She will live a life of happiness and play, surrounded by many other animals rescued by Sandy and her family, these precious beings will continue their days in peace on a little farm full of love.
I know that many humans are still unable to connect with our fellow animal companions on a soul level, yet why is it that those who cannot hear vent their disapproval of those of us who can?
Why is it that we are made to feel abnormal because of our ability to hear our animal companions?
But more importantly, why are we persecuted when we love animals as we would a human?
Gemel, what do they know?? Some people do not understand..I surround myself with people that have a capacity to love all living things and not place humanity on some elevated status of entitlement..which all other being fall under...these people also know that our well being and survival depend on how we treat other animals like ourselves...if someone thinks its crazy...well I say they are the ones in the dark Thier opinions are of no importance...and I only hope and pray that one day they too will understand...
I'm very saddened to hear of the loss of your beautiful cat.
Oh but I could write volumes on this....on seeing people suffer unneccessarily at the death of an animal friend because they are afraid to show the depth of their grief lest they be marked as 'weird' or 'over-emotional' because it was JUST a cat (dog, fish, hamster, horse etc.) Or the people who wonder if there's something *wrong* with them because they don't 'get over it' quickly enough...quickly enough for who? I ask them....
I try to let them know that their grief is valid and *allowed* because those creatures were part of their soul tribe and their species is entirely irrelevant. And when they realize they are in a safe place then they are able to mourn as they see fit.
I have to shield myself from the grief because I have seen so much and experienced so much of it myself...but every once in a while there is someone whose deep, abiding bond results in such raw grief that it all comes flooding back and I experience every single one of those passings all over again.....
Compassion burn-out is one of the number one reasons we leave our profession....and there's a very good reason for that....
Sorry for the volumes...;) yours and Blossom's story has reminded me of so much....not the least of which, why I chose to be a part of the animal-healing profession...
You are very special to be able to hear animals talk. Don't worry about what others think, most of the time they're not.
I agree with Marlene's words.
People that can communicate with animals have a gift, they are very intuitive, caring loving people. Love knows no boundaries, whether it's for humankind or animals. We are all one creature on this spiritual plane. My best friends children are their animals. I see animals as people's children an extension of their family.
Bless you. Your friend is amazing. That lamb is beautiful.
Don't waste your energy on those who do not understand the loss of an animal who is a family member. They obviously do not care to understand grief.
You know you received unconditional love and gave it out to your beautiful cat. Hold the thought of love in your heart.
Many people are so ego-centric that they believe they are the only beings able to communicat. I feel sorrow for their inabilites and ignorance. Just keep doing what you do, my friend.
Honestly I think people mock and express disapproval because they *feel* the lack in themselves, but are so small-minded (or lazy?) that rather than try to expand their hearts and minds, they decide to declare themselves "normal" and anyone unlike them "weird". I also think this is a symptom of such low self-esteem that people who think/act this way have to feel that *all* humans are more important than *all* other animals, just to give their lives some sort of value.
I have never bought into the idea that humans are "better" than other animals, and as such I would do just as much for a lost animal as I would a lost human child. That doesn't mean I treat humans any worse - it just means that I'll do anything I can for any animal, regardless of species.
(((hugs))) You are not weird. You are SPECIAL.
You have to grieve in your own way and in your own time, though. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Who are they to judge? After losing Rufus, some people have asked me if I will get 'another one'. They clearly don't understand - how could there ever be another Rufus? (Or another Rumpy?) The most difficult thing for me was having to make that final decision for both of them. Heartbreaking, yes but surely the most unselfish and kindest thing. Sending you good wishes, thoughts and love, xxx
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