Friday, July 10, 2009

Sometimes All...........

Sometimes all it takes to lift you out of a period of melancholy is the story of another, for you to see how truly blessed you are, living your unique life story. Sure we all have our ups and downs, without those where would we be? But to live a life in Kabul is something I can not get my head around. The Bookseller of Kabul is a journey into another world, one of misery, pain, suffering, despair, longing and great hardship, something that I have never seen in my lifetime. It has made me appreciate the story I have chosen to live this incarnation, one compared to those in war torn, devastated countries would be a life of utter luxury. I have been struggling with many issues of late, and with this turmoil has come a lapse in my faith, not only in myself, but our glorious Creator too. This morning with fresh eyes and an alert heart I have regained my souls truth, the search for my purpose, the strength to take the first tentative steps to my new and fulfilling path. Of late I have been creating much hardship for my body, doing things that I would not normally do, even lapsing into a purge of eating junk food (okay, there isn't much vegan junk food, but if it was out there I found it!) The only person that is suffering as a result of my tantrum , was me, as I am only responsible for myself, and if I don't love and honor me, who else will? And if the self is unhappy, deprived and neglected, then the soul retreats until the light prevails once more, never imposing its absolute pure and loving wisdom upon you, unless you go inward and ask. And ask is what I did. Come home I whispered to myself in the stillness of the dawn, come back to me and let us continue this glorious stroll together. In a time of great change, of personal trauma and soul renewal, I do feel blessed to be the me I am, this day, in this Now............


Ronda Laveen said...

The path is ALWAYS there for us whenever we get ready to find it again. Om Jai Jai Maa.

clairedulalune said...

beautiful thoughts written into beautiful are blessed because of who you are!

Anonymous said...

So often the person I find hard to be kind to is...myself. We are in so much hurry to patch ourselves up, pull ourselves up by the bootstraps, etc... Now I allow periods of melancholy and self-doubt, because when I experience joy, bliss - I experience them fully, for I have been on the other end of the spectrum.

I'm glad you found a way to work through that difficult period. Bravo!

Nancy said...

So glad you are finding your peaceful state once again. Blessings.