Thursday, February 05, 2009


This is Rufus, he was my surrogate cat whilst I was on holiday, missing Blossom terribly I was having cat withdrawals and needed a cat to caress and talk to............
Rufus is the male version of Blossom, old and set in his ways, first he was a little confused as to why we were there interrupting his sleep, and taking over his chair!
Then he got quite miffed when a camera was produced to take photos of his delightful face, posing is something he simply would not do...........
The look said it all, I put the camera away and settled instead just to be within fingers reach of a cat..................BLISS..


Anonymous said...

How's blossoms now? Sorry, I was away because my internet was bad. anyways, I will catch up.

BipolarBunny said...

Hi, Rufus. So cute.