'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The barbarity of the human race never ceases to stun me; the senseless and brutal acts that are performed on animals throughout the world are barbaric. A friend of mine sent me a horrendous email showing explicit photos of a pod of dolphins being murdered, what sort of person could stand there in a sea of blood mindlessly hacking to death such a gentle and defenceless creature? The same that would hack any animal to death I should imagine!
I am not going to include the photos that tore my heart in two this morning, if you wish to see them I am certain they will be on the internet. And in reality to me words cannot describe what I saw, what they did, how those people can do what they have done, no one with compassion or love in their heart would slaughter an inquisitive and friendly creature so that they fill their bellies.
I am ashamed to be known as a human when those of my kind do what has been done to the Calderon Dolphins in Denmark.
“DENMARK: WHAT A SHAME, A SAD SHAME. THIS MAIL HAS TO BE SEEN. THERE IS NO WORST BEAST THAN HUMAN KIND ITSELF!!!!BRUTAL, Dantesque, bloody slaughter in the Faroe Islands, which belong to Denmark. A country supposedly 'civilized' & a European Union country. For many people this attack to life is unknown, to sensitivity. THIS bloody slaughter is an insane 'show' of entering adulthood!
Is absolutely incredible that no one does anything to prevent this barbarism that are committed against Calderon, an intelligent dolphin who has the particularity of approaching people out of sheer curiosity. Some traditions just MUST STOP!PLEASE inform people.”
May the Universe direct and protect any other Calderon dolphins from the same fate, and may a few more of you wake up to the mindless slaughtering that the humans do, this is just one in a long list of atrocious acts committed against animals but add it to;
Using live cats and dogs for fishing bate.
Skinning Labrador dogs and Siamese cats ALIVE for souvenirs and toys.
Plucking live geese for their down feathers
Castration of horses with no use of anesthetic.
Fox Hunting.
Shooting ANY animal for sport.
Cock fighting.
Bull fighting.
Eating the brains of a live monkey.
The death farms of all animals used for food.
Taking the fins of sharks and letting them bleed to death in the water, ALL of these practices are barbaric, all the animals abused and murdered are sentient beings, all know how to love…………….. And above all they all feel the pain of their bloody violent deaths....
What sort of people have we become?
What sort of person and do any of these things to another living and feeling creature?
As I said I am disgusted to be a part of such a sickeningly violent and wicked race of unfeeling and selfish beings, in fact at this moment in time if I died today I would be happy, delighted to leave a world where the greed and welfare of the human is put before anything else…………………….
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Guest Room............

A Messages From Merlyn

Anybody Home?

Bless his little heart..........
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Your it...................
So, I got tagged by CrazyBunnyLady at http://crazybunnysblog.blogspot.com/.
I have never been tagged before either so I too am VERY EXCITED!
Here are the rules:
Grab the nearest book.
Open the book to page 56.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your journal/blog along with these instructions.
Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
Tag five other people to do the same.
This is the book I am currently reading, hence the closest, and page 56 is the end of a chapter.
Almost Night
by Ann Prospero
"He's a nice young man. We get along well," he said not answering me.
"I'm glad you do," I said "Make sure he calls you,not me."
"Come for dinner tomorrow then," Bill said.
"Not tomorrow, Sunday," I told him.
And now for tagging;
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Today I ................

Where the sun is, Blossom is!
With summer approaching madame's favorite sun spots have disappeared for another year much to her disgust! She has found a new sun trap right in the middle of the room, bless her. I could not see her sitting there on the cold tiles looking forlorn so I moved her basket for her so that she may sunbathe in comfort.........................
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Gentle Kangaroo's

Monday, October 13, 2008
Lunchtime Treat

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunshine In My House..................
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Divine Ducklings.................

Thursday, October 09, 2008
Thank you Lucas............
Thank you Lucas for this lovely piece of nutritional information;
I've just heard some really exciting news......
because cow's milk causes allergic reactions in so many babies (and adults), Thailand scientist Dr. Pipop has spent the last 10 years working on an alternative.
Are you ready?
Are you excited?
Drum roll please.... it's chicken's milk!
But before you start envisioning lactating chickens, let me be clear:this is even more disgusting than in sounds!
Basically, Dr. Pipop takes chicken meat and grinds it into a thick yellowish paste that is stored in tins. Parents then buy the tin and dilute the chicken paste with water and feed it to their babies in bottles.
Think canned dog food--but white!
And the benefits?
Well, chicken allergies are rare, so I guess that's a plus.
Never mind that ground chicken meat, nutritionally speaking,is NOTHING like mother's milk. It IS high in protein and low in carbs, and it's never to early to start a kid on a high protein diet (joking)!
It's hard for me to believe this is real, but it is.After melamine (a type of plastic) was found in thousands of baby formulas manufactured in China (and after at least 2 dozen babies died because of it), people have been scared to buy processed baby foods. I'm scared of processed foods too, but I'm not drinking chicken milk or feeding it to my kid anytime soon.
From weird to weirder...
Bless her............

Thank you mummy that is much better for slumbering upon..............
Contented now that the covers are smooth and her towel in place, bless her she is such a particular little angel, to the point that if I fail to respond to her silent messages where bed making services are required she will sit on the bed and yowl until it is done!
The results speak for themselves, she really is one pampered kitty. And just for the record I would not have it any other way.............
How Rude!!!!!!

This little fellow is a tad unappreciative of the food offerings I leave him........
I thought that my crows may enjoy a bit of variety to the offerings that I leave for them so cut up a nice juicy green apple for them, first I placed it by the stray cat food bowl because they adore this food. After watching them for the day I realised that they had not touched the apple so I moved it to their birdbath, considerate of me I know.............
And do you know what this little chirper did with it????
Threw all the pieces of apple over the fence and left them there!
Well I say how rude!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 06, 2008

Sunday, October 05, 2008
A Time For Friends........................

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