he setting of the Sun is always a magical time for me, a time where I feel a closeness to those who are far away from me in the 'spirit' realm, knowing that although they are with me throughout my day, somehow I feel this connection more during the rising and setting of the Sun
Like this lone seagull I too like be alone, taking the time to connect within my heart centre, to feel the love as it pulsates from the setting Solar Orb filling my soul with gratitude and knowledge that I am more than this mere shell of a body I am currently wearing.
Moments of quiet meditation are vital for me, as it is for all life forms upon this planet, those of the animal kingdom are not watched often enough by the majority of humans who are still sleepwalking their way through life, yet these simple and unique creatures are far more 'in tune' than the average human still caught up in the false promise of life in the modern societies, these gentle simple creatures do take time to watch the magic of the Universe.
This wondrous world of ours is made up of Light, of energy, this energy pulsates and it is connected to all LIFE, it is our life force, without it there would be no life. By allowing yourself moments of solitude and peace, times of quiet contemplation you will begin to transform your reality, taking in the miracle of Life that surrounds you, perhaps then you may share with me the special moments that caress your soul and enlighten your mind, knowing that by simply being at one with a lone seagull is truly a momentous occasion.
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