The Best Day EVER...........
A few day's ago I enjoyed a blissful couple of hours in the company of these delightful baby pigs, the little one at the front, George was a hoot, he had so much personality packed into his tiny body that I spent the entire time laughing at his antics.
He took a liking to my fingers, hands, shoes, leg and my companions handbag (all the way from New York mind you!) At one stage George and Mildred emptied out the contents of the handbag as they pushed it about their enclosure.
Sharing their temporary home were two adorable lambs, I was equally besotted with them, at one stage I had one snugging on my lap as I watched the pigs creating havoc at my feet.
If you ever have a day where you are feeling depressed (not that I was) I can recommend finding yourself a local cuddly animal farm in your area and going there for a visit, judging by the way we laughed our way through two hours it would be the best medicine you could give your soul, in fact we could do away with medication and therapists completely if this baby animal therapy could catch on...............
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