Saturday, May 03, 2008

One True Word

One true word will beat a pack of lies every single time, yet increasingly I am encountering people who are afraid to stand in their power and confront a person/s who is speaking untruthfully about them. The old saying "sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me" is true, no matter what someone says about you, they can not cause you any harm, especially when you stand in the light of truth, when you are living from the heart. Some may argue and say that damaging words can harm your reputation, that people hearing these false accounts of your character will form their opinion of you from this, however those that truly know you will already know that these words are tainted with lies and allow them to flow over their head, perhaps a good friend will challenge the speaker, defending your honour, and of the person that hears this damning report of your character before meeting you, rest assured that they will see the truth once they have the privilege of meeting you, they will be able to see that what was spoken does not befit the person who now stands before them. Many people who are insecure about themselves use their tongues as weapons against those who they feel are better than them, have more than them, or perhaps are 'luckier' than them in a desperate attempt to alleviate some of the insecurities and pain that they harbour deep inside of themselves, for many it is far easier to attack another than it is to deal with ones Self. Perhaps also this is a reminder to you that maybe there is a little bit of soul work to be done, have you been speaking unkindly of another? remember the world is made up of energy, what you say and think you create in your life, perhaps you are being given a gentle reminder to be mindful of what you think of and speak of? Nothing happens to us by chance, even though we like to think that, we are the product of our souls chosen life lessons as well as the result of our thinking and of course our speaking. Thoughts are things, they do create your reality..........................

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