Thursday, September 20, 2007

Today I went for my first walk in about a two weeks, it has been raining pretty much all the time and what with my knee being how it is at the moment I did not wish to fall walking along the slippery paths. As I wandered along happily in time with the music I was listening to I could not help noticing how much of a difference two weeks has made.
Spring appears to be in full bloom here now, there were daisies adding a vibrant splash of yellow in the normally green dominated coastal scrub. I was nearly flown into twice by daring little swallows who were chasing each other up and down the path. Bless them they are so tiny yet filled with a happiness that made me giggle out loud as I narrowly avoided being hit, wondering whether they were actually looking at what they where doing, then impressed by the way they manoeuvred out of my way at the last second. I was also accompanied by a flurry of white butterflies, trust me to forget my camera. It struck me however whilst I was walking along, how delicate and gentle these fluttering beauties are. To walk amongst these gentle creatures as they danced around me was magical, I was totally mesmerised by them for quite awhile ambling along smiling to myself and thinking how truly amazing this world of ours is.

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