Sunday, October 06, 2024

After Coffee...

After coffee watching the chickens and their funny morning antics, I did my normal Sunday wander around the garden to see what was blooming. Some blooms are whitling whilst others are still in bud. The endless cycle of life. 
The daisies in the flower meadow are mostly as tall as I am, they are quite specular or will be when in full bloom. My quenda is digging a lot during the night, and I am not sure who is helping me with the pruning, either the quenda or the parrots. Either way the plants I planted last weekend have already had a prune, and they really didn't need it. Overzealous garden workers! 
Figs are beginning to show, and the mulberry tree is ladened with fruit. 
And finally, there are tiny oranges on my tree. Fingers crossed I get to eat on this year. 
I love the imperfection of nature; it is what makes it perfect...


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