Monday, January 23, 2012

Love And Peace............

 Love and peace ooze from the walls of my unassuming home, the vibration of calmness that radiates from the garden glides in upon the gentle summer breeze, snaking itself around me, offering a place of  quietude to rest and still my soul.

 In the noiselessness of evening time, when the light slowly fades into night, the resonance of its energy reaches it's peak, settling upon me, cleansing my spirit.
 As the soft silvery light gives way to night, candles flicker, fluttering as a waft of warm air caresses their flames, inviting me to stop, to allow the mellow embrace of harmony to cascade over me.

 Sitting in the stillness, radiating my warmth outward, I feel a flooding of contentment cocooning my being, a validation to the truth of my existence here at this time, understanding the glory of what being me truly means, thus appreciating the gift of my humble life................


Jenny Woolf said...

Beautiful and calm. I always wish I could make my home like this, but usually don't succeed.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sounds wonderful Gemma, enjoy.