Monday, January 02, 2012

Taking The Time..............

Taking the time to set intent as the end of this current world age draws ever closer, for the written stories of the past to float away serenely upon the breeze, drifting lazily into the distance.

For the many canvases yet to be painted into life I invoke love, harmony, contentment, happiness and peace to reign throughout the many tomorrows still lingering upon the horizon.

Seeing the beauty within every moment, even those of a challenging nature, for, even on the darkest of days the Sun still bestows it's warmth upon us, when the impression of darkness attempts to cloud the light realise then, the unconditional support and love from Source shines even harder to embrace the ache in ones heart.

It is time for the world to heal, time for humanity to remember the way of the heart, and the intrinsic ability we all have to regain the inherent capacity we have to heal not only our lives, but that of Gaia and her precious animal children that share our world............


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