Sunday, August 28, 2011

Taking A Stroll.....

 Taking a stroll through my memories yesterday has had a nourishing effect upon me.
Revisiting one of my once local haunts the delightful and enchanting Chatsworth House was a place I went to frequently.
 It was not the house that I went to see though, it was the acres of gentle rolling hills, the wonderful maze that always took me ages to locate the middle, and of course remember the way out.
 It was also the diversity of the gardens themselves, close to the house they are traditional, all manicured to perfection, yet the further away one wandered, the more natural and tousled they became. 
 Always blissfully happy here, and this happiness calls me, perhaps a trip home is indeed shimmering on the horizon, it has been too many years since I have felt at home.
 As I meditated upon my yesterdays I felt an ease of my longing, something had settled within.
 Perhaps it was the realization that I may return home whenever I wish to.
 All I have to do is go within, in to the fields of bygone days that linger within my heart.

 As I write I can feel myself transporting back in time, feeling the ground beneath my feet, the breeze carrying the scents of the woodlands upon its invisible wings.
 Yes, I am never far away from the home of my heart, for closing my eyes and stilling my soul I am there in an instant.

 Walking the same path, sitting under my favourite tree, watching this wonderful water sculpture all over again................

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