Sunday, August 14, 2011


 Sometimes it takes a conversation with a dear friend to assist you seeing the solution to a situation that dangles before you.
 It takes years of trust to build a lasting affiliation, a relationship that can transcend even the most agonizing situations, yet it is from these difficult circumstances that a true bond is formed.
In these days of the blame culture where most people are all to willing to pass the burden of their inner angst on to someone else, it is rare to have such an authentic  relationship, one where openness is genuine, and concern legitimate. 
Being able to articulate your questions in the relaxed atmosphere of such a friendship always sees me answering my own queries as the conversation flows naturally along, the 'light-bulb' moments flashing before my eyes highlighting to me the answers I seek.
Standing in the power of my own truth is not always easy, as it means that you take responsibility for each situation you find yourself in, knowing that each encounter offers you the benevolence of personal transition, where by retaining your integrity to your own truth first and foremost, you ensure absolute honesty to yourself..............


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

People talk a lot about unconditional love but not many (including myself) really understand it.

Gemel said...

Animals have shown me the way Yogi, as they give with no expectation, releasing all outcomes in relationships takes time to learn, but once you are able to see through the illusion of control, it is not that difficult to live through the heart.