If there is a soul mate for everyone, why is he so difficult to locate?And why am I still alone?
Where is he while I sit here typing these words?
Does he too long for a deep spiritual connection that transcends the mundane 'normal' relationships based on need and ownership?
Is he feeling the disconnection also?
As I write my crown charka tingles, energy oozing into my soul, perhaps a sign that all will come to she who waits!
I have learnt in the past few months that interfering does not work, so that avenue shall not be walked again.
I feel that we have many who come from our soul family to reconnected with each other here on the earth plane, some stay for a moment, others, well, they can stay a lifetime.
But the one and only twin soul lingers out there, somewhere.
The longing I feel for this authentic partner to appear is now, more than ever invited to manifest into my reality.
Maybe it is that I wish to experience the rapture of unconditional love with another human, to express with a knowing, no words required, a deep and true bonding of two halves of the same heart.
As my past disappears into the shadows of yesterday I am able to see with clarity what it is I desire in a companion, it is not just about the sharing, or the company. It is about joining together with love, mastery and with deep appreciation of each other.
Most relationships are based on control and manipulation, many start off with lies, which only indicates that truth is not truly present. Some are unbalanced, where one person opens up and gives from the heart, while the other just takes all that is on offer.
Many are dysfunctional right from the start, as both parties attempt to fill a void within them selves with the attributes of another, only once the honeymoon period is over, their life will once again become filled with anxiety and loneliness.
Love is about sharing, it is about giving.
It is about sharing the simple things, it is about merging with another without wishing to change them.
It is about sharing the sacredness of yourselves so fully that only one heart beats within you both.
The only way to meet each other I now know is to get out there and explore.
Staying in my house each weekend will not assist me with my search, it will only separate us longer.
I have woken this morning revived, refreshed and revitalised.
Perhaps now is the time to Be and to allow my script to become an echo of heaven.
To let go and relax into the destiny of my life, knowing that when ones heart is completely open, only wonderful adventures will happen.........................