'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Friday, July 31, 2009
What Is The Point.................
What is the point of being in a place of anger, resentment, hate, blame, judgement, criticism? Why do so many people feel that they have points to score, grievances and grudges to cling to, malicious gossip to spread?
Why do so many people feel the need to destroy others just because they are hurting, or not getting their own way, or enough attention?
Staying focused on the true essence of life, love, we would see past the need to control, to be right, to hurt and to ridicule others. Instead we would embrace the knowledge that because of an imbalance within our self we have emotional blockages to work through, that the disharmony we feel inside is not the result of anyone else, only our polluted and misled ego attempting to create drama in our life taking the focus away from the inner work required. By creating dramas or feuds you take the focus off the real issue, Your Self, and place it on to another person/s slandering their name, reputation and their personality to make you feel better. Trouble is you rarely will, because the energy needed to create and maintain negative and hateful behaviour towards another person will have detrimental effects on your soul, thus leaving you feeling less than perky. But, you will be addicted to the attention you receive as you wallow in the staring role as the victim, so many people surrounding you in your misery that you can't tear yourself away from the story that you manifest with the poisonous words and actions that have become second nature by now. We all have lessons to transcend, and we all have made mistakes, however, those that fail to see their input into all situations of their lives are those in need of the most help, these people think that they are perfect, the hard done to, the ones out for revenge, and they need the most love.
Life is a funny journey, most of us given the choice would have written our stories another way had we had the conscious choice, we forget that all that happens to us though happens for a reason, that each and every situation that we find our self in is there to teach us, to give us the choice to deal with the situation in a negative hateful way, or, from the heart without aggression, often passively and from the confines of your own heart. Those that seek to win the war of being the popular one, the right one, the good one, should take a moment to step back and look at themselves and why they have to achieve all these things at the expense and hurt of others, most often those very close to them. It maybe enlightening to learn that having to prove yourself to someone, anyone is really not that important, being true to yourself is worth more than having hundreds of friends that praise and support you in in your vendetta of hatred and accusations against others, that often if these people took the time to consider that there is never just one side to a story, that to know the true inner misery of someone else is impossible, so to judge another is to condemn yourself........................
Thursday, July 30, 2009
From The Moment
From the moment that I found her by the side of the road close to death.......................
And during those early days of wondering whether she would survive..............
Blossom captivated and captured my heart, merged with my soul completely.
What I did not realize was that she also weaved her way through the hearts of many others as I shared her journey on my modest blog.
When I first saw this photographic tribute (below) to my beautiful Blossom from ML on Cat Blogoshere and Purrs and Purrayers Bloggie I burst into a flood of tears, such a moving gift to receive at a time of great sadness......
Thank you all for your beautiful words, your healing wishes and for the gift of kinship that regardless of physical distance has found its way to my heart, that love has found a way to shine through.........
I will be having a memorial service for Blossom when I feel the time is right, (yes, there will be photos.)
I will be buying either a flowering cherry or magnolia tree, (can't decide which yet,) to plant in a large pot, where I will place her ashes. Then each spring Blossom will blossom, her love and essence alive forever in the life force of the tree, being reborn each year as the delicate flowers bloom, spreading their elegant beauty to brighten my world, caressing my tender heart with the memory of a divine white angel cat who was flawlessly celestial..........................
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
When You.................
When you find yourself questioning your path, when the time has come to move forward, you are unsure of where it is you wish to go, with so much changing all at once, presenting you with a time of upheaval and uncertainty, where it is you should go, what is it you should do, who is it you should trust....
Inside of us is a strength, a powerful and dynamic force that will support and urge us forward, never letting us down as we struggle with the choices and decisions that disturb our life story. I wonder when I reach the turning points in my life, why have I created this? What is it I am to learn? Why is this so? We never foresee the endings and struggles of our life story, we do not plan ahead the defining moments of surrender that will see the circumstances of our life change forever, leaving us questioning why it has to happen, what went wrong....
In times of enormous challenge and personal change it is difficult to always remember to stay grounded in the unlimited and supreme vibration of love, to know that through the darkness that may encircle you, there is a light within, always carrying with it the devotion of our Creator, of those in the realms of Light who accompany us on our mortal voyage here on earth, never do we walk alone, even though at times of a heavy heart this appears to be the case. I have grown so much since my arrival on this glorious planet, with many tribulations and trials behind me, yet once again I stand on the edge of a blank canvas, about to embark on another chapter of my life, one that I would not have thought possible in the recent yesterdays of my life. For the first time though it is love that continues to shine through, in a commanding and compassionate way, leading me forward through the alien territory that stares back at me now. As I maintain my equilibrium in this time of anxiety I can see the difference of a Light filled heart, that the vibrations of Universal harmony and alignment forge together to create an amicable outcome for all. That in this time of endings, I have found the courage to know that anger and resentment are of no use to my heart, that my Soul seeks only to maintain the vibration of love, regardless of the heartache inside...................
I Am All For................
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thank You Max.........................
This, you have have guessed is Max.
He is a new arrival at my friends house, been there a few weeks, rescued from the life of a dumped and neglected cat, bless him, finding safety and warmth in a house full of love.
He is a warm and loving little bundle of fluff, one that proves that animals are no dummies....................
He is not usually a cuddly cat, nor a people cat, he usually sits and watches the humans that visit, yet when he met me, he surprised his owner very, very much.........
From the moment that I walked through the door Max was there, watching and cuddling up to me, he sensed my grief and sorrow for my precious Blossom. In fact, I felt that Blossom had had a word or two in his furry ears, because Max was so attentive, sitting next to me during my entire visit, purring and snuggling, looking directly into my eyes, even at one point placing one paw on my hand like Blossom used to to do and extending his claws just slightly like Blossom always did whilst maintaining eye to eye contact. He was passing on such wondrous energy, a vibration that I felt throughout his body as I caressed his silky fur. He even escorted me to the toilet, sat outside the door waiting, or perhaps protecting, then followed me as I washed my hands in the adjoining bathroom and then walked me back to the living room, waited until I was sat down then up he jumped to snuggle close once more.
His owner was dumbfounded, "he has never behaved like this with anyone, he knows, she said, that you are sad."
He knew alright, cuddled up to my leg I felt incredibly loved, comforted and supported by the loving actions of such a doting feline. I knew his intention was to heal, to cleanse the anguish of my broken heart, to thaw the heartache that embraced me so, allowing the regeneration of my Soul to begin............
As we sat connecting with each other I felt a warmth encompass me, showering me with a love flawless in its intensity, truthful, pure, unconditional.........................
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Today Is...........
Today is the first day of the Yellow Self-Existing Seed Year, a year that places us just three years away from December 21, 2012, the end of the 5,125 year World Age Cycle.
This is a year to focus on and clarify what your Souls journey is about. To nourish yourself, to grow and nurture, expand the essence of you. At a time in my life story where this is where I find myself naturally, (which of course is NO coincidence!) I am excited this morning at the prospects that linger in front of me, giving me the ability to truly look at myself, at my role on this planet, to inquire as to what is the true essence of me, to scrutinize my beliefs, and to look deeply into the core of that which I Am, allowing me to grow, blossom, flower into a new level of consciousness.
Sitting in quiet meditation this morning after saying today's affirmation;
I Define in order to Target
Measuring Awareness
I Seal the Input of Flowering
With the Self-Existing tone of Form
I Am Guided by the Power of Universal Fire
I felt the relevance of these words in my life at this time, knowing that after the turbulent year that has just finished a new and fresh beginning hovers on the horizons of my tomorrows, bringing with it freshness, a renewed vigor and zest for life, for knowing that out of the depths of despair life floats ahead waiting for me to regain my passion for all that wells in my swelling heart, reaching a crescendo of tribulations and returning to the language of Light that illuminates my waking heart........................
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Day Out Of Time..........
Today is a day out of time.
The day between the ending of last year
And the beginning of the New Year
What mysteries will appear before me today............
As I look within to contemplate the year that has been, I realise it gave me a great gift, the opportunity to transcend myself, into a Lighter clearer me. Sitting in quiet meditation softly voicing today's affirmation
I Activate in order to Dream
Bonding Intuition
I seal the Input of Abundance
With the Electric tone of Service
I felt the truth in me rising, knowing that is time once again to trust my invisible guides, to allow the magic of the Universe to caress me with its undying love, centering me within the arms of my Creator as I walk in the freshness of my coming Nows.................
Lessons In Love..............
Lessons in love and acceptance can always be found surrounding us in the simple acts of our animal companions..............
A quiet conversation regardless of gender or race, just two souls enjoying the morning Light.........
If we took the time to sit and BE, to enjoy the true essence of all those that share our world, looking past the outer shells and into the confines of their hearts and souls, what a happier world we would live in..................
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Day I.......................
The day I was born my mother made a decision, one that has paved the way for the rest of my life.
From her rejection of me, the moment of my birth she profoundly influenced the stories and struggles of my future, one wound in pain, and of mourning, the loss of a love.
Did she give me the world or restrict me from ever finding true and lasting happiness with another human during this lifetime?
What power she had.............
As I search the closets of my mind, looking for something, anything to show me the way forward, to understand what it is that I desired to achieve in this incarnation, what did I wish to learn, I stare at an empty canvas, lost, alone.
Why would I choose a story so void of true love, to choose not only a birth mother but also adoptive parents who too were cruel, unloving, cold?
For those who fail to understand the depth of my emotions and connections to my beloved Blossom, if you search deep into the subtle signals from my earliest memories, then you find the answer.
My animals have given to me what no human ever has, unconditional love.
They have never hurt me, have never lied to me or rejected me.
They gave me love, in its purest form, without an agenda, without a reason.
As I stand once again on the edge of a new beginning I search my soul for answers, for where to go and what to do.
What is the destiny of my soul, must I always search for that which eludes me?
Why is my soul unfulfilled, why is it that I cry on the inside, tears for the human love that can not reach inside to where the hollowness craves the warmth of its affection, love without conditions, without rules, without history, without pain.
As I reflect on the stories of my journey, the people who have been cast in my dramas I see a distance between us all, that there was always an invisible boundary that no one human has ever crossed, because I felt deep deep inside that they too will reject me eventually, it is just a matter of time, I must protect myself.
Is this why I once again find myself standing on the verge of loss?
Is this why I find it difficult to truly trust another human fully?
I see their hidden rules that must be obeyed for love to be given, whether mother, father, brother, daughter, son, relative or friend everyone has a reason to manipulate and withhold love, conditions that if we fail to do as we are told we have that which we crave the most taken away from us, withdrawn leaving us hollow and empty.
I look at my life at who I am and my beliefs, beliefs that have been my savior throughout the misery of my rejection, to wake to see the Sun smiling warmly upon me, my animals greeting me with their warmth and purity each day, only these were constant, only they gave real love.
The humans always let me down, or did I retreat from them, protecting myself from the curse that hounds me so. Hiding in fear of the rejection that will eventually come.
Have I retreated so far into my self that I now deny myself a true connection with another human?
Do I only feel the warmth of my glorious Creator through the silence of my meditations, my healing, animals and nature?
As I search the souvenirs of my life, I see that I held back, always in fear of truly giving to a person, that to completely trust another would be to sacrifice myself to lose control of my heart, and to do that would only bring me more of the same. So I chose distance, retreating to the comfort of my silence, animals and nature.
As my year ends today I look back on a turbulent year, one of such sadness, despair and horrendous pain, as the day takes me further into a new tomorrow I feel that the storm is about to break, the light will begin finally to find its way through the clouds, that in the cleansing of Blue Electric Storm Year, I find myself open and waiting for the new dawn to rise, greeting me with a blossoming of life, perhaps for the first time in the blooming in the fullness of truth. As I focus on the freshness of a promising beginning of a new year the alluring appeal of nothingness captivates me so, yet scares me too at the same time. What awaits me in the rising of my tomorrows?
What is life really about?
Why is it that we come here to learn, to burden ourselves with unspeakable lessons that if broken through will carry us to an euphoric ending, one of lessons finally achieved, karma dealt with, and the freedom to walk forward with a enlightened heart.
Is it all worth it?
As I walked around my garden the chilly wind biting through to the core of my being I wept, sorrow bubbling up from the depths of my broken heart, standing there openly asking what is it I am suppose to do?
Where am I suppose to go?
Who am I pretending to be....................................
Sunday Morning................
Sunday morning, the sun was shining, warm and bright................
Music echoed on the soothing breeze...........
Life surrounded me, I watched as the Sunday morning traders waited patiently for their customers to appear.............
Calm, serene, untroubled............
Waiting for the days story to unfold......................
It is amazing....................
It is amazing what a difference a few years makes, my front garden was a mere vision in my mind, I knew the plants that I wanted to create my native haven, and now 3 years later the limestone and sandy pit has transformed itself into this.......................
I know each plant intimately, the individual vibrations are all unique, their presence quivers at the touch of my fingers................
The wind dances through their branches, creating a melody of symphonies that echo in my mind, serenading my spirit into blissful communion...............
With spring around the corner they are all about to bud, their tempting nectar waiting to tantalise the birds who frequent my modest paradise...............
Perfect, just as I imagined when all it was was a dusty patch of dirt, my vision complete, full of life and love..................
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Light Of The Universe......................
The light of the Universe is forever shining its light upon me, guiding me, urging me to stand firm in the glory of me. This morning found me going for a lone morning walk, me, the dawn and the rain. The ocean was calm, the sky full of cleansing rain waiting to unleash its unpolluted droplets of innocence upon my wearied worn out body.
My strength had been zapped these past few weeks, the barrage of emotional turmoil that had bombarded me had pushed me into myself, fleeing from the pain that pursued me so intensely.
But the Universe has gone nowhere, my glorious creator stands on the periphery, waiting, watching, loving. Knowing that soon I would push the ego aside, allow the torrid of emotions contained inside to erupt and cleanse my soul, allowing the healing to begin, with doing so finally allowing the return of the light..............
I had stopped being me, I had been fighting myself in order to protect those that I loved, those I wished not to hurt, suffering the agony of loss and mourning, the endings that have indeed come. I understand and know that endings are cleansing, that without an end you can not have a beginning, yet, to end is so final. There is no way back, the path leads in one direction, forward, the past left forever behind......
Today I found my self returning to me, to the trust that I have always had intrinsically in the Universe, my protector.
I realised that I was hiding from myself, snuggling down out of reach in the denseness of my painful heart. All happens in the correct sequence, nothing happens unless it is meant to be, that what we see as our path can change in a blink of an eye letting loose the purity of a fresh new chapter with the apprehension of nothingness spreading our before us, leading us into the freshness of a new tomorrow. A tomorrow that is new and fresh. As I stand in the void of a new horizon, the blankness surrounding me entirely I search for guidance, which direction it is I should go. I feel inside of me the warmness of serenity bubbling forth, the humble and purest form of love pulsating from within, joining me in complete communion with the powerful ever present divine and loving light, my creator, my life.....................
When You Can Not See...................
When you can not see which way to go, every way you turn there is nothing but a blank path, void of signs, of inspiration.........
As you wage a silent battle against yourself, your ego attempting to push you aside, to gain control and to instigate dramas that need never unfold.................
Behind you, your yesterdays linger as glimpses fading into the memories encased in your soul, forever treasured as gifts that will remain constantly in your heart, holding the love of what has been................
The path ahead looks long, it winds its way forward, each step taking you further into the unknown, to blank virgin terrain that awaits your energy to mingle with its light, to unfold the glorious chapters yet to be written.........................
Missing My Girl...............
Missing my girl, my beloved Blossom, has me muddling through my days, getting through only just with the absence of her gentle beauty. Peace she has reached, her body renewed, resting in the arms of the Universe. I feel her, wake to search for her on my bed in the middle of the night, still say I have to go home to feed her............
I feel her watching me from above, from within, surrounding me with her love, deeply melding within the cells of my body, maintaining our unique connection, giving me the courage to regain my existence here without her.
As my window in heaven waits for my return I know that she will be there to greet me when my time is right to join her, until then I regain a little bit of strength each day, slowly adjusting to life without my angel physically beside me....................
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Only Some Understand.............
Only some truly understand my loss of Blossom, others, those who see me as some sort of weird cat lady who puts animals before humans will never understand the connection of those who commune with animals.
My friend Sandy is another who is constantly categorized as weird, like me she too hears her animals when they speak to her, she like me, will give everything to save and nurture an animal in need.
Pictured here with a lamb she saved from certain death, the love speaks for its self. This lamb will know only human kindness, it will not grow up in fear, dreading the cruel hands of the farmers as they rear their flocks for death. She will live a life of happiness and play, surrounded by many other animals rescued by Sandy and her family, these precious beings will continue their days in peace on a little farm full of love.
I know that many humans are still unable to connect with our fellow animal companions on a soul level, yet why is it that those who cannot hear vent their disapproval of those of us who can?
Why is it that we are made to feel abnormal because of our ability to hear our animal companions?
But more importantly, why are we persecuted when we love animals as we would a human?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How do you release someone who is held so tightly in heart?
How do you find the strength to place one foot in front of the other, continuing your life, when someone so precious is now out of your reach?
How do your regain your inspiration and joy?
Having made it through the first night was a feat in its self, I felt my beloved Blossom next to me, within me, forever close, yet it is the physical presence that I shall crave, to hold her, feel her, smell her, hear her, cradling her within my arms. I have lost a part of me, when she left so did a piece of my heart, torn from me as she returned home, to peace.
Those who I love have surrounded me, their love oozing out mingling with my fragile heart, caressing my soul as it morns the loss of my precious girl. There are those who think that a cat is a cat, merely a pet, for me Blossom was my family, my love, my life, and without her I am missing a part of me, a part that will only be complete when I too cross the rainbow bridge and join her for the rest of our tomorrows.
As a candle burns next to her portrait, (one that was given to me from a friend for my birthday last month,) I feel her with me, watching and comforting me as I grieve her passing. I know that I had her on borrowed time, that the Universe gave us each other for a reason, that she was meant to leave yesterday, her destiny fulfilled. I shall never forget the day that we were given to each other, the voice that told me during my walk that it was imperative that I return home a certain way, and as I walked I wondered, what is it that is going to happen? Little did I know that heaven was waiting. Blossom gave me love like nothing I have experienced before, pure, unconditional, and I returned the same to her, we were one.
Are one, always together.
As I held her next to my heart as she left this world, whispering my undying love to her, a dog began to howl, calling her home, how connected our furry companions are, they are aware of all that is not seen, unsaid, how much they give us. As my dear friend supported me during Blossoms passing rubbing my back, she said that as Blossom was preparing to go my stomach started to gurgle and churn, so loudly that she placed her her hand upon my side, and once Blossom had left, it stopped. She said that her essence transferred to me, her strength and breath given, her final physical gift.
I know that she is next to me always now, never away from my side, yet, how do I remain here without her, how can this world ever be the same.................
Monday, July 13, 2009
Blossom Is Going...........
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