Friday, January 17, 2025

This Is...

This is truly the grumpiest bird I have ever come across. Way back around September last year I crossed paths with this black-necked stork, and blimey was he in a mood. 
Despite being a rather stunning bird he seemed at odds with the world and kept glaring at me. 
Perhaps he was camera shy? Or maybe just having a difficult day...


After Months...

After months of being hidden in a drawer my camera made a very brief appearance this evening. 
After clearing over 600 photos that have sat forgotten from the memory card I went out into the garden in search of quendas and bunnies. 
Of course I didn't see either, I did however get a couple of photos of the artichoke flowers. 
It did feel strange having my camera in my hand after relying on my phone for so long. 
I still have a huge task ahead of me going through all the photos that I had forgotten about. 
All I need now is inspiration and a few hours to do so, there's so many though, it feels somewhat daunting...


The Love...

The love of an animal companion is purest love there is...

High Visibility...

High Visibility an exhibition currently running at FORM Art Gallery in Claremont highlighting how art has a transformative effect for young people with disabilities.
Many of the pieces on display are a collaboration of Mandy White's and students she worked with in a series of workshops. There are also a few pieces of Mandy's own work on show.

 I've been supporting Mandy for 10 years now and really love when we have days like this.
This exhibition is showing works from workshops done last year at the Sir David Brand School. 
During the exhibition, Mandy will be creating a mural with the assistance of other artists with disabilities, each week we will add another layer.
I really enjoy watching a canvas come alive as well as assisting when needed. 
Looking forward to seeing the end result, over the coming weeks I will document the progress of the mural...


Thursday, January 16, 2025

This Sign ...

This sign made me giggle yesterday when I visited Zanthorrea Nursery...

This Motorbike Frog...

This Motorbike Frog was enjoying the mild morning sunshine, after sunbathing it's colour will begin to change as it relaxes in the sun. Their colour can range from mottled olive green to yellow, to all hues in-between. They also don't have webbing on their fingers, but do on their toes. They are mainly ground dwelling, although may climb small branches.
They get their name because their call is a growly sound similar to a motorbike changing gears. 
They are also known as the Western Green Tree Frog, Western Bell Frog and Moores Frog.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Give Me...

 Give me a home among the gum trees.
With lots of plum trees.
A sheep or two and a kangaroo.

I saw this sign at Zanthorrea Nursery, the above paragraph is  part of the chorus of an Australian song released in the 70's I believe, titled Home Among the Gumtrees.

I can highly recommend living life amongst the gumtrees...

I Am Wondering...

I am wondering, is it time to dust off my camera? I've been taking photos with my phone for months and months, my camera relegated to a drawer. Obviously the phone is handy, it takes less time to post them as I don't have to upload them.
But I can't zoom in, or take good photos from a distance, as my recent quenda photos illustrated. 
Perhaps it's time to get out and about once again, camera in hand...

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A Quenda Joey...

A quenda joey has taken up residence in the back corner of the garden. It's parents tend to inhabit the front garden. It only takes between 60-70 days for the young quendas to be weaned, so this little one hasn't been independent for very long.
Quendas are a priority 4 listed species, their survival depends on conservation efforts. Their habitat is being destroyed, they are also targeted by cats who are not constrained at night by their human guardians. 
 I am honoured to be doing my little bit to assist with the continuation of these adorable marsupials. It actually disturbs me how most humans don't see the sacredness 
 of all life.
Since they appeared in the garden I've been mindful of keeping the understory of the garden bushy so they have plenty of safe places to hide. 
They are lot easier to sneak up on than my resident rabbits, if I tread really quietly I can almost get right next to this little beauty...


Going To Seed...

Going to seed slowly the three artichoke flowers are joining the rest of the flower meadow as they dry out and return to the earth. The once lush little meadow is now dusty and barren. The harsh summer sun has frizzled the delicate plants, leaving a sandy patch of nothingness in its place.
 I've enjoyed watching the progression of the artichoke flowers, and wondering whether they will self seed.
The leaves that went spiky as the plant began to flower, have now turned to a thin paper like texture.
The flowerheads are slowly drying out, and will either blow away slowly or be helped along by birds to disperse their seeds...