Monday, July 25, 2011

Once Again......

 Once again I was struck by the entrancing aura of her beauty.
 The mythical element that pulsated around me, too powerful to explain.
 Looming on the branches overhead giant tree ferns regarded my presence, demurely I continued on my way.  
 Circling her mammoth trunk I trailed my fingers across her bark, my fingertips tingling as our energies connected.
 Sitting beneath her towering presence once again had me weeping, the intensity of the encounter was far more tender than the before, never had the force of love felt so purely benevolent. 
 As I sat entwined with the bounty of her love I wept.
For myself, for the journey I have had, and, for the ability to feel through the illusion of life.
 As joy merged forth from me I smiled in complete appreciation at the splendour of Mother Earth, and at my capability to see with the eyes of truth.  
 Reaching out to those around me I harmonised her energy to meld within me, now it will remain burrowed within my heart always, forever present, for all time.
 Time held no meaning, how long I stood bewitched by her charms I am uncertain.
 All I wanted to do was to stay.
 To reside forever in the love that pulsated here, a vibration of sheer innocence, of true and unconditional love.
 A magical love that radiated throughout me.
Through everything that I saw.
 Love is not difficult to find.
It is not difficult to see.
It touches you with every step you take, if only you take the time to look...............

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