Thursday, September 08, 2011

A Wave Of........

 A wave of calm has washed over me, a warming contented feeling of gratification, finding myself in a place of comfortable peace.
Spending the afternoon relaxing with a cool glass of water and a book, reclining in the warm winter sun, appreciating the pleasure of this reward.

 Bells tinkling as the wind increases it's intensity, the sound easing me into restful union with the energising rays of the Sun, falling deeper and deeper into myself as my body warms, melding me with All, suddenly I feel so heavy, closing my eyes I drift away.
Life has such a delicate softness to it, although at the same time it is invigorating, I feel exhilarated, as if I have been reborn. 

In my secret garden I find my solace, these private moments nourish my soul, allowing me to contemplate the extraordinary moments that compose my world........



Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I get chilled out just reading about you chilling.

Craig said...

Yes I already feel calmer, even without your warm winter sunshine!