Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pixie, The Shoe Protector......

Pixie, the shoe protector!
Bless her, she could hardly contain herself when I took my shoes off last night.
During my round yesterday I met three new dogs, so the smells emanating from them must have set her tiny nose on fire.
After rolling all over them she was happy in the end to snuggle with them into the wee small hours, and was still there when I got up this morning.......


Jaky said...

ah ah! cute!

Melissa said...

precious. We are hoping to add some beautiful furry creatures to our family this year :)

Anonymous said...

One of Stacey's cats from the past used to use my armpit like catnip. It couldn't get enough of my it for some curious reason.

Nancy said...

Cute cat and cute shoes!


fabulous, lady! just terrific! gee, i miss having a little furry creature to love!!! uh, a four legged one, as well! ;)