Please Help
How can the world stand by and allow the Japanese to murder whales? This barbaric and inhumane practice should be stopped once and for all. Whales are gentle and harmonious beings who are far more intelligent than the barbarians who murder them. How this practice is approved by the rest of the world is beyond me, however having said that with the majority of the worlds population not seeing anything wrong with the mindless slaughter of billions of animals a day to fill their stomachs perhaps answers that question.
Mans superior attitude over the animal kingdom is not acceptable, we were not placed upon this planet to murder those that are different to us, exterminating not only the precious animals yet the planet its self. The death these elegant tender whales suffer is sickening, such a torturous way to leave this world. Join me as I send love and light to these beautiful creatures, asking that their trauma be as little as possible, and to penetrate the cold, butchers who make their living by such bloody means, and more importantly to lift the vibration of the planet to begin the transition to an age of equality, where the sleeping humans wake up from their slumber to see that they are connected to those they eat, they are in fact eating themselves. Every single molecule within the Universes is connected to All, that means YOU are part of every animal that suffers, and every whale that is slaughtered is connected to you. By turning a blind eye to these facts is to continue to walk through your life asleep to what you really are, a spiritual being having a human experience, and no spiritual being would allow these ferocious practices to continue.
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