'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Friday, November 30, 2007
Goodnight Ra
Alfresco Dinning....................
It was really pleasant sitting outside to eat and once the entire back garden is completed it really will be a little oasis, till then we still have a little bit of rumble to contend with as you can see, still each weekend brings us closer to its completion .....
Thursday, November 29, 2007
My Dearest Wish
This Mornings Walk
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
My Wish For Today
My wish for today is that less animals are killed on the roads and that more people stop or slow down instead of ploughing into these defenseless creatures and causing pain and suffering to their loved ones.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Some rescued animals that have found a good, loving home. These little birds spent the first part of their life living in a garage, their feathers had fallen out and they had not seen the sun. Now they have a nice new home and sing all day long.
This little lady had a cruel start to life too, having been kicked in her beautiful face she has a permanent squint, bless her. She also has an issue with food, she was never fed enough at first so eats just about non stop if you allow her to, so she has to wait outside her home hoping to nip in at any opportunity.
At least now their suffering is over as my friend has now made their lives comfortable and safe, no one will ever harm them again.
Look Who I Met Today!
A funny thing happened to me
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
What Happened To...........
Monday, November 19, 2007
At Last
Saturday, November 17, 2007
A Perfect Day
Stage Four
Stage Three
Stage Two
Thursday, November 15, 2007

How can anyone use live dog's and cat's for shark bait? And more to the point why would they want to? How can they stand there watching a terrified, defenseless animal be torn the threads or drown just so they can catch a shark and to then murder that? Images are swimming around my head of this barbaric act of sheer brutality. The older I get the less I understand the human race and its greed to fill its stomach with the flesh of other living beings when there is simply no need for it.
Every creature on this planet has a right to live in peace and harmony, it is not here to be farmed and hunted for mans dinning table, there are plenty of fruits, nuts grains, vegetables, and pulses to sustain human life. You can eat without bloodshed.
I know this is but one vicious and cruel act that humanity bestow upon our animal companions, yet I find this so completely insane, how do these fishermen sleep at night? Are they totally without a heart and soul, are they completely asleep to the interconnectedness of this wonderful Universe of ours? Do they not think that they will have great karma to endure for such tortuous acts?
My prayer to all these gentle and loving creatures that are murdered daily, is that their suffering is not prolonged, and that they return home to a place of peace and love never to be treated in such a brutal way again.
Stage One

Although I think it will look great, it smooths it all off, and the great thing about the liquid limestone is that it is cool underfoot, and in these last few day where the temperature has been quite hot, we burnt our feet getting into the pool. No more though!