'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Monday, December 31, 2007

How hilarious is this car???
From is bulging headlights to its sparse interior this little car is the ultimate biddy car.
Aptly name S-Cargo as it resembles a snail, I found it so amusing.
I am not sure if these are meant for people with bad eyesight, if you look close enough on the dashboard you will the extra large speedometer!

Misha's New Calf
You can see the love and tenderness of this Rothschild's Giraffe as she watches over her four day old calf, the sad aspect to this families life is that it is to be spent behind bars in a zoo, and even more tragic than that is that there are only 400 Rothschild's Giraffes left in the wild.
I know that zoo's play their part in breeding programmes and saving many species of animals from extinction, however my heart weighs heavy when I think that this little one will never truly be free from the prying eyes of the humans who visit her zoo. At least she will be safe from hunters that wish to use her pelt for that lovely rug or perhaps turn her into their dinner.
The most important message that these photo's transmit to humanity (especially those who still see animals as mere walking steaks), is the depth of emotion present and the unmistakable motherly love. It is photographs like this that will reach perhaps a few more sleeping humans, penetrating their tough hearts to show the depth of love within the animal kingdom, this love is present all around you everyday, watching your local birds is a good place to start to witness the absolute adoration animal parents have for their young.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Priceless Pelican's

Feeling Blissful

Today the galactic portals are open projecting an increase of Universal energy into this third dimensional world of ours, I can feel the enchantment of this special day oozing into my being, filling me with love. As I looked around my growing garden I breathed in the beauty of these magnificent treasures, knowing that with my love and nurturing I have created my very own natural paradise, when I am working with these gentle and silent beings I feel connected to my creator even more, it is only when I am communing with nature (be it plant or animal) that I find my soul stills and my heart is filled with the most profound sense of love.
To walk this world asleep to the beauty and companionship the natural world offers us is to never truly know the brilliance of your true self..................................Gemel
Saturday, December 29, 2007
From This
Sea Monster

Friday, December 28, 2007
Today's Affirmation

I have had a period of temporarily straying from my path, I know that I have found the frustration of these operations and of course the self produced injury this year deeply confining, having been use to an active life, all of the repercussions of the 'accident' has taken it's toll on me, I feel heavy with the dense energy which now has invaded my body vessel. To rekindle my energy levels is simple I know, it is of cause completely up to me to remember my ability to be what it is I desire to be, and how I desire to be! To remember who I am!
It is all perfect and of course was part of my destiny, no requirement for blame, by acknowledging and accepting ownership of my energy levels my awareness shifts instantly, I feel that I was punishing my self for creating the accident in the first place............................What a completely 'human' thing to do!
In the words of my guides;
"You are never alone Our Dearest One of Light, in your struggles to condemn yourself to the confines of the dense third dimensional world does not mean you are free from our love and support of you. We walk with you daily and know that you will return to your self when you see past the illusion once again, returning you to your path. You know the way, and your slip has been a slight one, you are of course a spiritual being experiencing humanity, this includes moments for growth!
Enough said!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Divine Light
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thank you Auntie Tracy, Not!
Thank you Dr Craig..........................
Sunday, December 23, 2007
She Is Home
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Update on Blossom
On our visit to the vets this morning we were delighted to find Madame B looking much better, she was obviously feeling better too as she had polished off two bowls of tuna, which believe me was a vast improvement on how she was yesterday, I thought that she would not see the day out.......................fingers crossed that she will be home tomorrow!!!
Blooming Lovely
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Blossom is Poorly
Please Help

Join me as I send love and light to these beautiful creatures, asking that their trauma be as little as possible, and to penetrate the cold, butchers who make their living by such bloody means, and more importantly to lift the vibration of the planet to begin the transition to an age of equality, where the sleeping humans wake up from their slumber to see that they are connected to those they eat, they are in fact eating themselves. Every single molecule within the Universes is connected to All, that means YOU are part of every animal that suffers, and every whale that is slaughtered is connected to you.
By turning a blind eye to these facts is to continue to walk through your life asleep to what you really are, a spiritual being having a human experience, and no spiritual being would allow these ferocious practices to continue.
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