Saturday, July 24, 2010

As The Sun........

As the Sun sets this evening I can confirm that my faith in humanity has been restored.
This morning I had the privilege of meeting two new people, interestingly enough, so relaxed was the circumstances that hours just flitted away. After declaring to the Universe that I shall interfere no more, this meeting occurred poetically, orchestrated to happened just at the exact moment. I had decided to give up, I had stated to the Universe that no more would I attempt to manifest relationships of any kind into my life. Having done so it appears, allowed the synchronicity of Now to provide me with one of the most stimulating mornings/afternoons I have had in a long, long time. No awkward silences, no moments of oops, I have said the wrong thing, conversation flowed as did the clouds ushering the Sun towards the horizon. Surrender it seems is the way to invite the new. Even a gift was given, so taken aback was I that I was left speechless at this generous act. Giving is what I do a lot of, yet, it is something that is quite often taken for granted. When one is open to giving, others can take to the point of insulting my honour. As the Sun sinks this still and silent night I offer thanks to the path that I walk and the ability to see the boons that are sent my way.............

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