'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thought for the day...........

No Guru.........

Walking meditation is a simple way to begin to shift the balance within your life.
All of us have time for a thirty minute walk each day, it is only our laziness that stops us, we are too tired, have to much to do, have to cook dinner, watch the news, on the list goes of excuse after excuse for being unhealthy and plagued with anxiety, even depression, (and there is no such thing as bad weather, clothing is the answer to that wonderful excuse.)
By making a commitment to a free and easy way to embark on the road to major life changes lies with the soles of your feet and your dedication to love and honour your glorious body, to realise that it is all up to you, no one else can change or fix you, make you better, only you can do this.
It may seem like a monumental step, to commit to thirty minutes of physical activity a day, but are you not worth that pledge?
To begin with all you have to do is get out of the door, even if it only walking around your block, it is the first step that is always the hardest to take, after a week you will be seeing and feeling the difference, which is when you can begin to walk in awareness of your breathing, walking along with a completely clear mind, focused and present in the Now. You will soon begin to shift your awareness to the feelings of being, just being, connected to all that you pass, the lapping waves as they break along the shore, the rustle of the leaves as the wind caresses them, the chirping of the birds, children playing, even traffic noise will merge with you, you are still, peaceful and present, at one with all that surrounds you.
You are walking in meditation.
Stillness is the greatest healer, no medicine or therapy can alleviate negative illness or energy like retreating into your self, what stops us is our dependence upon drama and pain, many are addicted to being unwell, it gives them power and attention, some have known it all their lives and the thought of being well terrifies them.
Taking control of you for you is liberating, nourishing and free, and it all starts with that single step outside the front door...................
Monday, March 30, 2009
Weary Me...........

After a night of constant interruptions from Madame B I am feeling rather exhausted.
She has perked up again and insisted on two midnight feasts which is a wonderful sign that she is feeling better, me on the other hand feel like this kangaroo, listless and tired after getting up twice in the night.
Would I have it any other way?
Not in a thousand years, Blossom's deserves all the pampering I can give her, even if that means missing out on sleep..............
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Feeling Frail......

Blossom has been feeling under the weather the last two days, with her being so old and frail I know that each day I have her is a wonderful gift.
Sleeping soundly on my bed I snuggled close to her just watching, gently stroking her, tears welling in my eyes with the love I feel for her, telling her how much I adore her..............
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wandering Along.............
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Perhaps I Am.......

Perhaps I am destined to never know who my birth parents are, after finally feeling that it was the right time to search for them the government department that holds all of the adoption papers has lost my hospital records and other relevant information from my file. How??
God only knows!
To add to the frustration, the hospital where I was born is no longer there, and the only place that had copies of the records was, yes you got it, the department that I am dealing with!!!!
Oh for joy!
So, where does that leave me now????? Good question, seeing all I have is my mothers name, (which may or may not be her real name,) I haven't even got a place of birth, seems she really did not want to leave a trail.
Maybe I am never meant to know....................
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Every Step...........

Every step that I take is luring me closer to the core of my self, illuminating the essence of my true self. Deeper I plunge into the depths of the silence within me, quiet and still, sitting with the noiseless serenity that resides within me.
The more I sit in the quiet solitude of my self the more I long to stay here, hushed by the resonance that vibrates through me, connecting me to the heart of the Universe, to the pounding love of our Creator.
Seeing me, feeling me, rising above the dramas that surround the human life that I lead, knowing that the way home is found within, always within.
To seek on the outside takes you nowhere, except in circles, ceaselessly searching for a person or a course to provide you with the answers or solution that you require, which of course will never come.
To conquer any challenges that we wish to transcend can only be done on the inside, by you alone, facing the parts of your-self that you push onto others, to afraid to look at the parts inside you that must be acknowledged before you can proceed any further.
Seeing your true self is enlightening, invigorating, freeing. Working with your self, for your self is the only way to inner harmony, peace and love, and once you begin to sit and to listen to the silence, to know that the constant chattering in your head is worthless, to know that the stillness holds your answers, the stillness caresses your soul, freeing you from the illusions of the outside world, of the petty dramas and power struggles that the humans have become addicted to.
If we all took the time to sit and to be still, to return to the realms of inner love we would see a monumental breakthrough in the quest for world and personal peace..............
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Like A Single Leaf.............

Seeking The Solitude............

Seeking the solitude that I found in the sanctuary of a Hindu temple I retreat within myself, my singing bowl takes me back to the harmonious tranquility that was absorbed within me as I walked silently along the still mountain lake, feeling a oneness with the glory that engulfed me.
Allowing the tones of the vibrations to enter me, taking me back, deeper and deeper.......
Monday, March 23, 2009
Driving Along...........
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A Picture of Love..........
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thought for the day...........
Whether It's The Weather..............

Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bless her grumpy little heart.
All was forgiven though, I took her back, opened up yet another packet of food, which incidentally she gobbled down with gusto........
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Taking Time.............

To know that what I see on the outside is but a fraction of what I truly am, of what life truly is.
The more I walk my life, the more I seek the refuge of silence and stillness, to retreat from the babbling of others and the noises of the mechanical world, surrounding myself with the glory of nature.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I Am...........

Monday, March 16, 2009
Thought for the day...........
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Today I...............
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