Rest assured my little lovely all will be returned to normality before days end.

'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Perhaps this common little tabby cat may reach a few more hardened human hearts enough to make them reconsider the true nature of animals, to enlighten them enough to realise that they do feel love just like we do, that they too have the right to live. The Universe was designed by a being far more compassionate and enlightened than many can comprehend, and in the wisdom of this creation all life forms to play a vital part in the balance of this planet, as man has continued to believe the illusion that he is the superior species the planet is spirally out of control. This ordinary little tabby cat is showing the world about REAL love bless her beautiful little heart, a lesson humanity desperately requires.
(Before I go any further I must apologise for the blurring food photo's, new camera so still getting use to it, and everyone was waiting for me to take the food photo's so that they could eat!)
Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato soup, served with Sourdough Rolls with Basil and tomato Butter (vegan of course) which if I do say so myself was DIVINE! The roasting of the tomatoes and red peppers prior to adding to the soup gave this soup a rich flavour. For the main course which was far more colourful than this photo actually indicates was Root Vegetable Crumble, Stuffed Chillies and Stir Fried Vegetables. The reaction to the vegetable crumble was quite amusing, everyone was only use to having a crumble as a desert, there they stood the four of them thinking this is messing with our brains, this should taste like apples! The chillies were stuffed with quinoa, fenugreek, chopped garlic, tomatoes and soy sauce and oven baked, yummy does not come close to describing their taste. And the vegetable stir fry was a mixture of cauliflower, garlic shoots, red cabbage, olives, red pepper and coriander. The garlic shoots give a vibrant splash of green as well as a tangy spicy taste, delicious!
And desert, for some the 'highlight' of the evenings culinary delights was Chocolate Hazelnut Raspberry Cake served with Coconut and Lime Sorbet....................... followed with green tea for most and slippery elm tea for me. All in all a great night of conversation and laughter, not to mention marvellous food, okay I will mention it!!