Friday, February 01, 2008

Why Are YOU Here???

Have you sat down and asked yourself these questions? Why was I born? What is my reason of exsisting? These questions have been the foundation of my life. I began questioning my existance from a very young age, I wondered why the Sun held more influence over me than my adoptive parents did, this was the driving factor of my lifes quest........................finding out who I AM! What I AM! I have never felt that I was part of this planet, I always felt that I came from somewhere else, that this clumsy body that I inhabit was not truly me, I knew instictivley that the natural world that surrounds us was part of us, and far more important than most humans realise, that The Universe had presented us with a gift so magnificent that I was dumbfounded why the people that surrounded me failed to see this. I knew that I was here to learn, to exprience this 3rd dimensional material world and the challenges that is holds for each of us. The first time I asked myself why I was born my life took on a new and exciting direction, I was drawn away from the sleep walking humans that stumbles through life thinking that material wealth or a quiet life in the suburbs is what life is about. My soul was hungry for answers, for wisdom, for the purpose my very being, and thus began a remarkable journey, one that has seen me transcend the shackles of the illiusion called life. Once you ask these questions there is no turning back as you unlock a cauldren of magical expriences all designed to answer your questions and take you forward into your tomorrows with a different perspective to this daydream you call life.......................................

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