Nothing in your life happens at the 'wrong' time, every single situation you find yourself in is perfect, good or bad, happy or sad, all that happens to you is divinely perfect.
When you can accept that the distressing or unhappy events that happen to you are there to enhance your growth as an individual and that the challenge before you is a unique gift assisting you in transcending all patterns of behaviour and beliefs you will begin to recreate your life story. In this age of technology we are bombarded with news from a troubled world, remaining detached from the horrors you read about or see is a vital key in self growth, as you are only responsible for your own life journey. People as a rule become involved in what they see on the news or read in the papers which takes them away from their soul’s purpose, spiritual growth and fulfilment. The more I have progressed upon my own life journey I have naturally been steered away from any form of media manipulation, I focus on the real reason I am here, remembering who I am. Remaining detached in this troubled world of ours perhaps sounds like a massive feat, it is not. When you reclaim your divinity and know that throughout the world there are millions of people living their live story just the way they intended to you will shift your awareness of suffering, we all come to this planet with a script written, we all know what our challenges will include, yet in this age of TV, internet, radio and newspapers, many judge the journeys of others, interfering and controlling the lives of others. The time has come for us all to take responsibility (the ability to respond) of our own life story and return to living with Light and by doing so strengthening the Light of the planet, thus healing humanity and our beautiful planet.