'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Bonny Blossoms

Whenever I look at Blossom I see the perfection of the Universe right in front of me, from the day that we found each other two years ago until this present moment I have not taken a second with her for granted, I adore her.
The simple things in life are far more important than the material possessions, status and money that many Souls chase. The love of a cat, the sound of the wind, the sight of sunflower, being caught in the rain, listening to birds singing, seeing the waves crashing on the shore, all of these things are far more sacred and valuable than all the money in the world. The Universe provides us with riches aplenty, they surround us in every waking moment all you have to do is open your eyes and look..........
Many people comment on my apparent obsession with Blossom, they can not see that I view her as one of my family, just because she has fur instead of skin does not mean a thing to me. She is as precious as the rest of my human family and friends, she loves me unconditionally and I do her, it is as simple as that.
For those that can not open their hearts to the tenderness and devotion of an animal companion I know that they have missed out on having an opportunity to experience absolute and pure love.................

Why am I waiting????
Bless Blackie's divine little heart as he waits for me to go out and feed him his treats this morning. I have now progressed with him a little more, I am now allowed to pick him up, only briefly mind you, even so it is another step forward...................... what a difference a year makes.
I am thankful for the Universe for sending me another cat in need of love and affection, even Blossom is becoming more friendly towards his morning visits, which is a massive step forward for her, I feel she knows that Blackie is like she once was, homeless and craving for some love and safety....
The Enchantment of Morning
There is always plenty of time, when you realise that there are far more important things than rushing through your day chasing the dollar, making that 'important' meeting, wishing your life away on an event still yet to come...............it is then that life reclaims its enchantment.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Last Night

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
As often as you can every day take time to pause for a few moments to centre yourself to the stillness within. Allow these precious moments to penetrate your entire being allowing any stress or negativity to flow from your body and your mind returning your spirit to a state of bliss. It takes but a moment reconnect with the Universe and feel the Oneness that surrounds you.
Have You Seen God Today?

Next time you ask for god to be present, or you are shouting at him for letting you down, know that he is there, surrounding you and within you bestowing his love upon you. The struggles we give ourselves are for our own growth, it is the realm of free will, therefore how can our god interject when we asked for all we endure, we receive exactly what we have asked for, even if we don't like what we get............
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The path to enlightenment is as individual as we are ourselves, it starts in different ways and at varying stages of a persons life, and some do not seek this path at all, which ever category you fall into is perfect, there is no right and wrong way.
With all the religions and cults that claim to carry the truth it is a challenge indeed for the true seeker to find the road that best suits them, although as your evolve you will find that what once resonated deep within your Soul, will suddenly not sit right as you have raised your vibration and thus your journey will continue in a new direction, until you reach the point where you know that the truth you seek is deep inside you, inside all of us, and then your search is over, you seek no more teachers or gurus, you know that quite time will produce all the answers you seek. You will find more like-minded Souls entering your life, your energy calling them to you as you walk your earthly story. Nothing on your journey happens by chance, a coincidence is simply an indication that you are making headway, you are working with the Light within, on the right track. I know a lot of people would argue and say that bad things happen to good people, and of course visa versa, but these people fail to realise that each individual holds the pen that writes their own life journey. It is difficult for people to accept, unless they are ready of course, that we plan our lives here with great precision, that with every thought you think, every word you utter, every conversation you have, you continually mould your world. By becoming an active participant in your life and becoming consciously aware of the divine power within you and in the power of your words you can turn your life around and move closer to the enlightenment you thus seek.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Energy Therapy

The gardens are extremely vibrant I feel that the energy from the music stimulates the plants, they appear to glow with a energy unlike most public gardens, the plants are aware of who passes them and what is happening around them, which is fabulous to witness, as normally to experience vegetation such as this you usually need to go to find isolated forests or woods, a very uplifting experience indeed.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Blossom deals with his presence well ( and those that know me well know that Blossom is the centre of my Universe and NO cat shall come between us) she knows that her mum is spreading her love to another Soul that the Universe has directed to me in desperate requirement of someone to love it............. another precious cat who has been neglected and abused by those who ought to have loved it........

Saturday, January 19, 2008
What a glorious start I have had to my day, first Blackie (the stray cat that comes to visit) finally allowing me not only to touch him/her but also to feed out of my hand, this has taken a lot of love on my part and obvious trust on his. Bless his divine little heart, he is so timid and wary of the human, I would sit by him on his morning visit (which is if he is coming is always around 5 am) just out of reach while he ate his treats, over the course of the year we have got closer and closer until today when he decided that I am honoured to touch him.
Then on my way back from swimming I saw the most angelic black baby rabbit hippity hopping along the side of the road, (and I ask the Universe to keep it safe from cars!) being brave and venturing away from the safety of its family just long enough for me see it. An outstanding beginning to another glorious day.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Being able to view the world as an innocent every single day of my life is one of the greatest gifts that I possess, and I am forever giving thanks to the Universe for bestowing this trait within me, I see the world with the eyes of a child, I notice the light as it catches a leaf making it appear instantly translucent, I marvel at the way a dragonfly hovers over the water, the dew as it sits upon the grass glistening as the Sun rises. I feel that if we all learnt to reconnect with the beauty and the magic of the Universe we would return to being more feeling and loving towards each other, and of course we would also shift our awareness to the natural world that surrounds us, which would begin to heal the devastation that man has placed upon our planet.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Whatever happened to children playing tennis outside?? Perhaps it shows how out of touch I am with the 'real' world, a fact I am mighty proud of too I hasten to add!
I had the opportunity today to witness three primary age children fighting over who was going to be playing tennis with their TV, call me old fashion but why anyone would wish to encourage their children to play an outside game indoors? This is really quiet beyond me. It was bad enough when it was only the TV you had to contend with to get children to go outside and get some fresh air, now it is computers and interactive TV games as well.
As an adult have you ever wondered how may hours a week you sit there glued to an ugly box in the corner of your room sitting there like a lump waiting for it to stimulate and entertain you? How many hours of your life have you wasted just sitting there? We don't watch TV, which many people find astounding, 'what do you do then' is the common response, Mmmmmm talk to each other, read, garden, go for walk, visit friends, yoga, meditate, write a letter, phone a friend, cuddle my cat, do housework, go for a swim, take up a hobby, study, the list is as endless as your imagination, which is my point. What is happening to innocent children's imagination? Can they use their imagination? Do children really know how to play anymore? Are they being encouraged to communicate with their friends and families? Or are they just handed more and more electronic rewards that will take them deeper into the solitude of their own private computer animated worlds? Is it healthy to have a computer game or TV to be your child minder?? As a child I was rarely inside, as were my children, we knew how to play how to have real fun and more importantly how to laugh, run, climb, build things, plant a garden, and even get dirty. The children I see these day's are like plastic, all the same, wearing fashions that are to old for them acting years older than they are all trying to 'fit' in and be one of the crowd. With the more gadgets that come into the shops we are seeing children becoming more and more dependant on things to bring them pleasure in life, a pleasure that will only last until the novelty wears off and the new must have item is up for grabs. Is this really what childhood is really about?
Wherever your path may take you for the rest of your journey here upon Earth walk it in the way of an angel, speak and think in angelic ways assisting the ascension of the planet and of humanity as be head towards the Aquarian Age, The Age of Light. By simply knowing that you are a radiant dazzling star that pulsates pure love energy is enough, to know that all who walk this Earth are connected to you, even those lost to the illusion of the third dimension or those who have chosen violent or cruel lessons. This is the planet of free will, it is through your will that you manifest your reality, your struggles, loves, happiness, disasters. Through angelic eyes you will come to understand that all is perfect, and that the support of the higher realms is always surrounding you waiting until you are ready to begin the journey home, to see the god within.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Madame B is feeling so much better that she even did a little jog this afternoon! Bless her heart it was a sight that filled my heart with such happiness especially after all she has endured in the past few weeks.
Every moment I have with her is a precious gift, thank you Universe...................................
Daily Meditation

Brothers and Sisters of all colors, holding hands around the planet, we are one, like the fingers of one hand.
Let us reflect on this, let us meditate and pray in our own way, in our own language, according to our own culture or religion, because we have only one Sun to shine upon us equally, one air that we breathe and give us life, one water that we drink and becomes blood in our veins, and we all live on our one Mother Earth.
She feeds us, she holds us.
Brothers and Sisters of all colors, together united we ask to be guided on the good path, to give us good thinking, strengthen our hearts and our faith, strengthen the conscience of the governors of our communities and of our nations.
Illuminate us, so there can be Life for our children and our children's children.
We are one, like the fingers of one hand.
We are one, like the fingers of one hand.
We are the ones of yesterday.
We are the ones of today.
Thank you Heart of the Heavens.
Thank you Heart of the Heavens.
Thank you Heart of the Earth.

With every new day that passes I direct my energy to the global awakening of those amongst us who remain asleep to who they truly are, that we are One. It is with a growing intensity that I forge forward assisting others in their awakening to the divinity that they are. With the Universe sending many new clients to me for bodywork I feel my Soul is flourishing, knowing that my destiny is being fulfilled, that my Light is assisting the arousing of many who are beginning to feel the surge of inherent knowledge bubbling to the surface of their reality, awaking at last to the dis-harmony that surrounds them, seeing past the illusion of the society that surrounds us, keeping many of us subjugated and mindlessly sleep walking through our lives unhappy and unfulfilled with where we find ourselves. It is always the perfect moment to awaken to the holiness within you, and the perfect time is Now.
Monday, January 14, 2008

Beyond speech and mind,
Into the river of ever-effulgent Light,
My heart dives.
Today thousands of doors,
Closed for millenia,
Are opened wide. Samadhi and Siddhi
It is up to you alone when you open the closed compartments of your mind and Soul, allowing you to connect with the Universe reclaiming your divinity as god I am. Those who walk forever asleep to their true power and identity shall never know the glory of experiencing human life.
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Bath Day

Friday, January 11, 2008
Blossom's Visit

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